Alerts API


Interface for all of the Alert-related APIs


This API provides a list of alerts.

HTTP Method: GET

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
count query no The alert count. By default it returns 25. Max values that can be returned: 300.
category query no The alert category. By default it will return STOCK and ACCOUNT. STOCK, ACCOUNT
status query no The alert status. By default it will return READ and UNREAD. READ, UNREAD, DELETED
direction query no Sorting is done based on the createDate ASC, DESC
search query no The alert search. Search is done based on the subject.


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful Operation. AlertsResponse
404 There are currently no alerts in your inbox. 53
500 Service unrecoverable error. 25
500 Service SQL fetch error. 36
500 Alert service is not available, try after sometime. 300
500 Service no memory. 27
500 Alerts exceeded maximum allowed alerts. 160
500 Service failure, Please try again after some time. 163


This API provides details for an alert.

HTTP Method: GET

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
id path yes The alert ID value. Alert id whose details are needed
htmlTags query no The HTML tags on the alert. By default it is false. If set to true, it returns the alert details msgText with html tags.


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful Operation. AlertDetailsResponse
400 Incorrect symbol. 464
400 Alert Id should be greater than 0. 499
400 Specified Type code does not exist for Index symbols. 700
404 There are currently no alerts in your inbox. 53
500 Requested alert does not exist. 11
500 Alert service is not available, try after sometime. 300
500 Service unrecoverable error. 25
500 Service SQL fetch error. 36
500 Service no memory. 27
500 Alerts exceeded maximum allowed alerts. 160
500 Service failure, Please try again after some time. 163


This API deletes a list of alerts.


Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
id path yes Comma separated alertId list


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful Operation. DeleteAlertsResponse
400 Incorrect symbol. 464
400 Alert Id should be greater than 0. 499
404 There are currently no alerts in your inbox. 53
500 Requested alert does not exist. 11
500 Alert service is not available, try after sometime. 300
500 Service unrecoverable error. 25
500 Service SQL fetch error. 36
500 Service no memory. 27
500 Alerts exceeded maximum allowed alerts. 160
500 Service failure, Please try again after some time. 163
Property Type Description Possible Values
id integer (int64) The numeric alert ID
createTime integer (int64) The date and time the alert was issued, in Epoch time
subject string The subject of the alert
status string The current status of the alert UNREAD, READ, DELETED, UNDELETED, INVALID
Property Type Description Possible Values
id integer (int64) The numeric alert ID
createTime integer (int64) The date and time the alert was issued, in Epoch time
subject string The subject of the alert
msgText string The text of the alert message
readTime integer (int64) The time the alert was read
deleteTime integer (int64) The time the alert was deleted
symbol string The market symbol for the instrument related to this alert, if any; for example, GOOG. It is set only in case of Stock alerts.
next string Contains url for next alert
prev string Contains url for previous alert
Property Type Description Possible Values
totalAlerts integer (int64) The total number of alerts for the user including READ, UNREAD and DELETED
alerts array[Alert] The array of alert responses
Property Type Description Possible Values
result string The result status of the alert SUCCESS, ERROR, INVALID
failedAlerts FailedAlerts The failed alerts response
Property Type Description Possible Values
alertId array[integer] The array of failed alert IDs


List Alerts Request URL


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <subject>Transfer failed-Insufficient Funds</subject>
      <subject>AAPL down by at least 2.00%</subject>
      <subject>External Account Added</subject>
      <subject>External Account Added</subject>
      <subject>External Account Added</subject>
      <subject>Buy 4 AAPL Expired</subject>
      <subject>Buy 4 AAPL Expired</subject>
      <subject>Buy 4 AAPL Expired</subject>
      <subject>Your Core Portfolios Rebalanced</subject>

Read Alert Request URL


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <subject>AAPL down by at least 2.00%</subject>
   <msgText>APPLE INC COM (AAPL) stock has met your target percentage decrease of 2.00%. The stock is currently trading at $184.96.
LastPrice184.96Bid (size)184.92 (x600)
Today'sChange -3.78 (-2.00%)Ask (size)184.93 (x100)</msgText>

Delete Alert Request URL



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>