Authorization API


Revokes an OAuth access token.


This method revokes an access token that was granted for the consumer key. Once the token is revoked, it no longer grants access to E*TRADE data. We strongly recommend revoking the access token once your application no longer needs access to the user’s E*TRADE account. In the event of a security compromise, a revoked token is useless to a malicious entity.

HTTP Method: GET

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
oauth_consumer_key header yes The value used by the consumer to identify itself to the service provider.
oauth_timestamp header yes The date and time of the request, in epoch time. Must be accurate to within five minutes.
oauth_nonce header yes A nonce, as described in the authorization guide - roughly, an arbitrary or random value that cannot be used again with the same timestamp.
oauth_signature_method header yes The signature method used by the consumer to sign the request. The only supported value is HMAC-SHA1.
oauth_signature header yes Signature generated with the shared secret and token secret using the specified oauth_signature_method, as described in OAuth documentation.
oauth_token header yes The consumer’s access token to be revoked.


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful Operation. Revoke Access Token
400 There is issue with input
500 An unexpected error has occurred. The error has been logged and is being investigated.
Property Type Description Possible Values
oauth_token string The consumer’s access token
oauth_token_secret integer The token secret

Revoke Access Token Request URL

HTTP header

Authorization: OAuth realm="",oauth_signature="FjoSQaFDKEDK1FJazlY3xArNflk%3D",oauth_nonce="LTg2ODUzOTQ5MTEzMTY3MzQwMzE%3D",
         oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_consumer_key= "282683cc9e4b8fc81dea6bc687d46758",oauth_timestamp="1273254425",


                    Revoked Access Token