Market API


This API retrieves the quote information for one or more specified symbols.


This API returns detailed quote information for one or more specified securities. An optional flag specifies one of five pre-configured field sets to return: fundamentals, intraday activity, options, a 52-week display, or all available details (the default). Developers can select the response that most closely fits their needs to minimize data size, processing time, and network traffic. To receive access to real-time market data, you would need to sign the market data agreement and use the API through the OAuth process. Otherwise, you will receive delayed market data.

HTTP Method: GET

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Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
symbols path yes One or more (comma-separated) symbols for equities or options, up to a maximum of 25. Symbols for equities are simple, for example, GOOG. Symbols for options are more complex, consisting of six elements separated by colons, in this format: underlier:year:month:day:optionType:strikePrice.
detailFlag query no Determines the market fields returned from a quote request. ALL, FUNDAMENTAL, INTRADAY, OPTIONS, WEEK_52, MF_DETAIL
requireEarningsDate query no If value is true, then nextEarningDate will be provided in the output. If value is false or if the field is not passed, nextEarningDate will be returned with no value.
overrideSymbolCount query no If value is true, then symbolList may contain a maximum of 50 symbols; otherwise, symbolList can only contain 25 symbols.
skipMiniOptionsCheck query no If value is true, no call is made to the service to check whether the symbol has mini options. If value is false or if the field is not specified, a service call is made to check if the symbol has mini options.


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation. QuoteResponse
400 Invalid symbol. 1019
400 Invalid count. A request may contain up to 50 quotes. 1025
400 Error getting the product details. 1002
400 Please enter valid Mutual Fund or Money Market Fund symbols. 1024
400 Invalid count. A request may contain up to 25 quotes. 1023
400 Invalid user id. 1021
400 Invalid detail flag. 1020
500 Quote service is not available at this time, please try again later. 163
Property Type Description Possible Values
adjustedFlag boolean Indicates whether an option has been adjusted due to a corporate action (for example, a dividend or stock split)
ask number (double) The current ask price for a security
askSize integer (int64) Number shares or contracts offered by broker or dealer at the ask price
askTime string The time of the ask; for example, '15:15:43 PDT 03-21-2018'
bid number (double) Current bid price for a security
bidExchange string Code for the exchange reporting the bid price
bidSize integer (int64) Number of shares or contracts offered at the bid price
bidTime string Time of the bid; for example '15:15:43 PDT 03-21-2018'
changeClose number (double) Dollar change of the last price from the previous close
changeClosePercentage number (double) Percentage change of the last price from the previous close
companyName string Name of the company or mutual fund (shows up to 40 characters)
daysToExpiration integer (int64) Number of days before the option expires
dirLast string Direction of movement; that is, whether the current price is higher or lower than the price of the most recent trade
dividend number (double) Cash amount per share of the latest dividend
eps number (double) Earnings per share on rolling basis (stocks only)
estEarnings number (double) Projected Earnings per share for the next fiscal year (stocks only)
exDividendDate integer (int64) Date (in Epoch time) on which shareholders were entitled to receive the latest dividend
high number (double) Highest price at which a security has traded during the current day
high52 number (double) Highest price at which a security has traded during the past year (52 weeks). For options, this value is the lifetime high.
lastTrade number (double) Price of the most recent trade of a security
low number (double) Lowest price at which a security has traded during the current day
low52 number (double) Lowest price at which security has traded during the past year (52 weeks). For options, this value is the lifetime low.
open number (double) Price of a security at the current day's market open
openInterest integer (int64) Total number of options or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day
optionStyle string Specifies how the contract treats the expiration date. Possible values are "European" (options can be exercised only on the expiration date) or "American" (options can be exercised any time before they expire).
optionUnderlier string Symbol for the underlier (options only)
optionUnderlierExchange string Exchange code for option underlier symbol; applicable only for options
previousClose number (double) Official price at the close of the previous trading day
previousDayVolume integer (int64) Final volume from the previous market session
primaryExchange string Exchange code of the primary listing exchange for this instrument
symbolDescription string Description of the security; for example, the company name or the option description
totalVolume integer (int64) Total number of shares or contracts exchanging hands
upc integer (int64) Uniform Practice Code identifies specific FINRA advisories detailing unusual circumstances; for example, extremely large dividends, when-issued settlement dates, and worthless securities
optionDeliverableList array[OptionDeliverable] List of mulitple deliverables
cashDeliverable number The cash deliverables in case of multiple deliverables
marketCap number The value market capitalization
sharesOutstanding number The number of outstanding shares
nextEarningDate string If requireEarningsDate is true, the next earning date value in mm/dd/yyyy format
beta number (double) A measure of a stock's volatility relative to the primary market index
yield number (double) The dividend yield
declaredDividend number (double) The declared dividend
dividendPayableDate integer (int64) The dividend payable date
pe number (double) The option multiplier
week52LowDate integer (int64) The date at which the price was the lowest in the last 52 weeks; applicable for stocks and mutual funds
week52HiDate integer (int64) The date at which the price was highest in the last 52 weeks; applicable for stocks and mutual funds
intrinsicValue number (double) The intrinsic value of the share
timePremium number (double) The value of the time premium
optionMultiplier number (double) The option multiplier value
contractSize number (double) CThe contract size of the option
expirationDate integer (int64) The expiration date of the option
ehQuote ExtendedHourQuoteDetail QuoteDetails when market is in extended hours; appears only for after-hours market and when detailFlag is ALL or all
optionPreviousBidPrice number The option previous bid price
optionPreviousAskPrice number OThe option previous ask price
osiKey string The Options Symbology Initiative (OSI) representation of the option symbol
timeOfLastTrade integer (int64) The time when the last trade was placed
averageVolume integer (int64) Average volume value corresponding to the symbol
Property Type Description Possible Values
lastPrice number (double) The price of the most recent trade of a security
change number (double) The dollar value of the difference between the previous and the present executed price
percentChange number (double) The percentage value of difference between the previous and the present executed price
bid number (double) The bid price of the symbol
bidSize integer (int64) The number of shares or contracts offered by a broker or dealer at the bid price
ask number (double) The ask price of the symbol
askSize integer (int64) The number of shares or contracts offered by a broker or dealer at the ask price
volume integer (int64) The number of shares or contracts
timeOfLastTrade integer (int64) The time when the last trade was carried out for the symbol
timeZone string The time zone corresponding to the timestamp provided in the quote response
quoteStatus string The status of the quote, either delayed or real time REALTIME, DELAYED, CLOSING, EH_REALTIME, EH_BEFORE_OPEN, EH_CLOSED, INDICATIVE_REALTIME, INVALID
Property Type Description Possible Values
companyName string The name of the company associated with the equity, option, or index.
eps number (double) The earnings per share on a rolling basis (Applies to stocks only)
estEarnings number (double) The estimated earnings
high52 number (double) The highest price at which a security has traded during the past year (52 weeks). For options, this value is the lifetime high.
lastTrade number (double) The most recent trade price for a security
low52 number (double) The lowest price at which a security has traded during the past year (52 weeks). For options, this value is the lifetime low.
symbolDescription string A description of the security, such as company name or option description
Property Type Description Possible Values
ask number (double) The current ask price for a security
bid number (double) The current bid price for a security
changeClose number (double) The dollar change of the last price from the previous close
changeClosePercentage number (double) The percentage change of the last price from the previous close
companyName string The name of the company associated with the equity, option, or index
high number (double) The highest price at which a security has traded during the current day
lastTrade number (double) The price of the last trade
low number (double) The lowest price at which a security has traded during the current day
totalVolume integer (int64) Total number of shares or contracts exchanging hands
Property Type Description Possible Values
description string The text of the result message, indicating order status, success or failure, additional requirements that must be met before placing the order, and so on. Applications typically display this message to the user, which may result in further user action.
code integer (int32) The standard numeric code of the result message. Refer to the Error Messages documentation for examples. May optionally be displayed to the user, but is primarily intended for internal use.
type string The type used to identify the message WARNING, INFO, INFO_HOLD, ERROR
Property Type Description Possible Values
message array[Message] The object for the message
Property Type Description Possible Values
symbolDescription string The description of the security; for example, company name
cusip string The identifier for the security
changeClose number (double) The dollar change of the last price from the previous close
previousClose number (double) The official price at the close of the previous trading day
transactionFee string An indicator (yes or no) whether or not there is a fee applicable for the security transaction
earlyRedemptionFee string The redemption fee applicable for the security transaction
availability string An indicator to inform if the mutual fund is available for new buy and sell orders
initialInvestment number (double) The minimum initial investment required to purchase the fund
subsequentInvestment number (double) The minimum subsequent investment amount
fundFamily string The type of fund family the mutual fund belongs to
fundName string The name of the mutual fund
changeClosePercentage number (double) The percentage change of the last price from the previous close
timeOfLastTrade integer (int64) The time the last trade was placed
netAssetValue number The Net Access Value (NAV) is the fund's per share market value; that is, the bid price investors pay to purchase fund shares
publicOfferPrice number (double) The Public Offering Price (POP) is the price at which shares are sold to public; for funds without sales commission (that is, load), POP is equal to NAV
netExpenseRatio number (double) The expense ratio of the fund after application of expense waivers and reimbursements
grossExpenseRatio number (double) The fund's total annual operating expense ratio gross of any fee waivers or expense reimbursements
orderCutoffTime integer (int64) The cut-off time for the purchase and redemption of mutual fund shares
salesCharge string The sales charge for the purchase and redemption of mutual fund shares
initialIraInvestment number (double) The initial amount needed to purchase mutual fund shares in an IRA account
subsequentIraInvestment number (double) The minimum amount needed to purchase subsequent mutual fund shares in an IRA account
netAssets NetAsset The Total Net Asset Value (NAV)
fundInceptionDate integer (int64) The date when the fund started
averageAnnualReturns number (double) The average annual return at the end of the quarter; this is available if fund has been active for more than 10 years
sevenDayCurrentYield number (double) The seven-day current yield
annualTotalReturn number (double) The annual total return
weightedAverageMaturity number (double) The weighted average of maturity
averageAnnualReturn1Yr number (double) The average annual return for one year
averageAnnualReturn3Yr number (double) The average annual return for three years
averageAnnualReturn5Yr number (double) The average annual return for five years
averageAnnualReturn10Yr number (double) The average annual return for ten years
high52 number (double) The highest price at which a security has traded during the past year
low52 number (double) The lowest price at which a security has traded during the past year
week52LowDate integer (int64) The date when the price was the lowest in the last 52 weeks
week52HiDate integer (int64) The date when the price was the highest in the last 52 weeks
exchangeName string The exchange name of the fund
sinceInception number The value of the fund since its beginning
quarterlySinceInception number The quarterly average value of the fund since the beginning of fund
lastTrade number (double) The price of the most recent trade of the security
actual12B1Fee number The annual marketing or distribution fee on the mutual fund
performanceAsOfDate string The start date the performance is measured from
qtrlyPerformanceAsOfDate string The start date of the quarter that the performance is measured from
redemption Redemption The mutual fund shares redemption properties
morningStarCategory string The Morningstar category for the fund
monthlyTrailingReturn1Y number The one-year monthly trailing return value
monthlyTrailingReturn3Y number The three-year monthly trailing return value
monthlyTrailingReturn5Y number The five-year monthly trailing return value
monthlyTrailingReturn10Y number The ten-year monthly trailing return value
etradeEarlyRedemptionFee string The E*TRADE early redemption fee
maxSalesLoad number The maximum sales charge
monthlyTrailingReturnYTD number The year-to-date monthly trailing return value
monthlyTrailingReturn1M number The one-month monthly trailing return value
monthlyTrailingReturn3M number The three-month monthly trailing return value
monthlyTrailingReturn6M number The six-month monthly trailing return value
qtrlyTrailingReturnYTD number The year-to-date quarterly trailing return value
qtrlyTrailingReturn1M number The one-month quarterly trailing return value
qtrlyTrailingReturn3M number The three-month quarterly trailing return value
qtrlyTrailingReturn6M number The six-month quarterly trailing return value
deferredSalesCharges array[SaleChargeValues] The deferred sales charge
frontEndSalesCharges array[SaleChargeValues] The front-end sales charge
exchangeCode string The code of the exchange
Property Type Description Possible Values
value number The value of the net asset
asOfDate integer (int64) The net asset as of date
Property Type Description Possible Values
rootSymbol string Root symbol of option multiplier
deliverableSymbol string Symbol of share to be delivered
deliverableTypeCode string Type code of share to be delivered
deliverableExchangeCode string Exchange code of share to be delivered
deliverableStrikePercent number Strike percent of delivered product
deliverableCILShares number Number of CIL shares to be delivered
deliverableWholeShares integer (int32) Number of whole shares to be distributed
Property Type Description Possible Values
rho number The rho value of the symbol
vega number The vega value of the symbol
theta number The theta value of the symbol
delta number The delta value of the symbol
gamma number The gamma value of the symbol
iv number The Implied Volatility (IV) value of the symbol
currentValue boolean The current value of the symbol
Property Type Description Possible Values
ask number (double) The current ask price for a security
askSize integer (int64) The number of shares or contracts offered by a broker/dealer at the ask price
bid number (double) The current bid price for a security
bidSize integer (int64) The number of shares or contracts offered at the bid price
companyName string The name of the company associated with the equity, option, or index
daysToExpiration integer (int64) Number of days before the option expires
lastTrade number (double) The price of the most recent trade in a security
openInterest integer (int64) The total number of options or futures contracts that are not closed or delivered on a particular day
optionPreviousBidPrice number The previous bid price for the option
optionPreviousAskPrice number The previous ask price for the option
osiKey string The Options Symbology Initiative (OSI) representation of the option symbol
intrinsicValue number (double) The intrinsic value of the share
timePremium number (double) The value of the time premium
optionMultiplier number (double) The value of the option multiplier
contractSize number (double) The contract size of the option
symbolDescription string The description of the security; for example, company name or option description
optionGreeks OptionGreeks The Greek values for the option
Property Type Description Possible Values
symbol string The symbol for which the quote details are being accessed
securityType string The type code to identify the order or leg request BOND, EQ, INDX, MF, MMF, OPTN, INVALID
securitySubType string The subtype of the security
callPut string The option type - either CALL or PUT CALL, PUT
expiryYear integer (int32) The four-digit year the option will expire
expiryMonth integer (int32) The month (1-12) the option will expire
expiryDay integer (int32) The day (1-31) the option will expire
strikePrice number The strike price for the option
expiryType string The expiration type for the option
productId ProductId ProductId
Property Type Description Possible Values
symbol string The market symbol for the security being bought or sold
Property Type Description Possible Values
all AllQuoteDetails The quote details to be displayed. This field depends on the detailFlag input parameter. For example, if detailFlag is ALL, AllQuoteDetails are displayed. If detailFlag is MF_DETAIL, the MutualFund structure gets displayed.
dateTime string The date and time of the quote
dateTimeUTC integer (int64) The date and time of the quote in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
ahFlag string Indicates whether the quote details are being displayed after hours or not
errorMessage string The Quote API will not populate any value for an invalid symbol. When an invalid symbol is requested, the API returns the Messages structure as part of QuoteResponse instead of using the errorMessage string in QuoteData. For this reason, Quote API clients should refer to Messages in the QuoteResponse.
fundamental FundamentalQuoteDetails The quote details to be displayed. This field depends on the detailFlag input parameter. For example, if detailFlag is ALL, AllQuoteDetails are displayed. If detailFlag is MF_DETAIL, the MutualFund structure gets displayed.
intraday IntradayQuoteDetails The quote details to be displayed. This field depends on the detailFlag input parameter. For example, if detailFlag is ALL, AllQuoteDetails are displayed. If detailFlag is MF_DETAIL, the MutualFund structure gets displayed.
option OptionQuoteDetails The quote details to be displayed. This field depends on the detailFlag input parameter. For example, if detailFlag is ALL, AllQuoteDetails are displayed. If detailFlag is MF_DETAIL, the MutualFund structure gets displayed.
product Product The product details for the symbol the quote has been requested for
week52 Week52QuoteDetails The quote details to be displayed. This field depends on the detailFlag input parameter. For example, if detailFlag is ALL, AllQuoteDetails are displayed. If detailFlag is MF_DETAIL, the MutualFund structure gets displayed.
mutualFund MutualFund The quote details to be displayed. This field depends on the detailFlag input parameter. For example, if detailFlag is ALL, AllQuoteDetails are displayed. If detailFlag is MF_DETAIL, the MutualFund structure gets displayed.
timeZone string Indicates whether the time zone is set. This field is displayed only when detailFlag is MF_DETAIL.
dstFlag boolean Indicates whether the daylight savings flag is set. This field is displayed only when detailFlag is MF_DETAIL.
hasMiniOptions boolean Optional field. Value is true if mini options exist for the symbol; otherwise, value is false. This field will only be populated when the symbol is an equity or an index and the skipMiniOptionsCheck parameter is set to false or not provided in the request.
Property Type Description Possible Values
quoteData array[QuoteData] The Quote Message Data
messages Messages The Quote response Message
Property Type Description Possible Values
minMonth string The minimum month for redemption of mutual fund shares.
feePercent string Fee percent charged to user by fund for redemption of mutual fund shares.
isFrontEnd string If the value is '1' it indicated that the fund is front end load.
frontEndValues array[Values] Potential values are low, high, and percent.Low denotes the lower timeline for the particular period of the fund.High denotes the higher timeline for the particular period of the fund.Percent denotes the percent that will be charged between the lower and higher timeline for that particular period
redemptionDurationType string If the value is 4, time line is represented in years.If the value is 3, time line is represented in months.If the value is 10, time line is represented in days.
isSales string This value indicates whether the fund is back end load function.
salesDurationType string If the value is 4, time line is represented in years. If the value is 3, time line is represented in months. If the value is 10, time line is represented in days.
salesValues array[Values] Potential values are low, high, and percent.Low denotes the lower timeline for the particular period of the fund.High denotes the higher timeline for the particular period of the fund.Percent denotes the percent that will be charged between the lower and higher timeline for that particular period.
Property Type Description Possible Values
lowhigh string The sales charge for investing in the mutual fund expressed as a low-high range (usually the sales charge is between 3-6%)
percent string The percentage of the investment spent on the sales charge
Property Type Description Possible Values
low string When the dollar amount of mutual fund purchases reaches a specified level, the sales load decreases. This field stores the minimum investment level at which the discount becomes available.
high string The maximum investment level at which the discount becomes available
percent string The sales load percentage for amounts between the low and high values
Property Type Description Possible Values
companyName string The name of the company associated with the equity, option, or index
high52 number (double) The highest price at which a security has traded during the past year (52 weeks). For options, this value is the lifetime high.
lastTrade number (double) The price of the most recent trade in a security
low52 number (double) The lowest price at which a security has traded during the past year (52 weeks). For options, this value is the lifetime low.
perf12Months number (double) The performance value for the past 12 months
previousClose number (double) The official price at the close on the previous trading day
symbolDescription string A description of the security; for example, company name or option description
totalVolume integer (int64) Total number of shares or contracts exchanging hands


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <dateTime>15:17:00 EDT 06-20-2018</dateTime>
         <askTime>15:17:00 EDT 06-20-2018</askTime>
         <bidExchange />
         <bidTime>15:17:00 EDT 06-20-2018</bidTime>
         <companyName>ALPHABET INC CAP STK CL C</companyName>
         <optionStyle />
         <optionUnderlier />
         <symbolDescription>ALPHABET INC CAP STK CL C</symbolDescription>
         <nextEarningDate />