Order API


These APIs retrieve order-related information.


The List Orders API provides the order details for a selected brokerage account based on the search criteria provided.

HTTP Method: GET

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
accountIdKey path yes The unique account key. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API.
marker query no Specifies the desired starting point of the set of items to return. Used for paging as described in the Notes below.
count query no Number of transactions to return in the response. If not specified, defaults to 25 and maximum count is 100. Used for paging as described in the Notes below.
fromDate query no The earliest date to include in the date range, formatted as MMDDYYYY. History is available for two years. Both fromDate and toDate should be provided, toDate should be greater than fromDate.
toDate query no The latest date to include in the date range, formatted as MMDDYYYY. Both fromDate and toDate should be provided, toDate should be greater than fromDate.
symbol query no The market symbol for the security being bought or sold. API supports only 25 symbols seperated by delimiter " , ".
securityType query no The security type EQ, OPTN, MF, MMF
transactionType query no Type of transaction ATNM, BUY, SELL, SELL_SHORT, BUY_TO_COVER, MF_EXCHANGE, INVALID
marketSession query no Session in which the equity order will be place REGULAR, EXTENDED


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation OrdersResponse
400 Account key does not belong to user. 100
400 Please enter valid account key. 102


The cancel order API is used to cancel an existing order.

HTTP Method: PUT

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
accountIdKey path yes The unique account key. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API.
CancelOrderRequest body yes The body of the request


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation CancelOrderResponse
400 Account key does not belong to user. 100
400 Please enter valid account key. 102


The Place Order API is used to submit an order after it has been successfully previewed.


Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
accountIdKey path yes The unique account key. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API.
PlaceOrderRequest body yes The body of the place order request


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation PlaceOrderResponse
400 Account key does not belong to user. 100
400 Please enter valid account key. 102


The Preview Order API is used to submit an order request for preview before placing it.


Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
accountIdKey path yes The unique account key. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API.
PreviewOrderRequest body yes The body of the preview order request


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation PreviewOrderResponse
400 Account key does not belong to user. 100
400 Please enter valid account key. 102


The Place Changed Order API is used to place a modified order.

HTTP Method: PUT

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
accountIdKey path yes The unique account key. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API.
orderId path yes The numeric order ID
PlaceOrderRequest body yes The body of the place changed order request


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation PlaceOrderResponse
400 Account key does not belong to user. 100
400 Please enter valid account key. 102


The Preview Changed order API is used to preview a modified order.

HTTP Method: PUT

Live URL


Sandbox URL



Property Type Required? Description Allowable Values
accountIdKey path yes The unique account key. Retrievable by calling the List Accounts API.
orderId path yes The order Id
PreviewOrderRequest body yes The body of the preview order request


Status Code Reason Response Model Error Code
200 Successful operation PreviewOrderResponse
400 Account key does not belong to user. 100
400 Please enter valid account key. 102
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderId integer (int64) Order confirmation Id for the order placed.
Property Type Description Possible Values
accountId string The numeric account ID for the cancelled order
orderId integer (int64) The order ID
cancelTime integer (int64) The time, in Epoch time, that the cancel request was submitted
messages Messages The messages relating to the order cancellation
Property Type Description Possible Values
settled OrderBuyPowerEffect Settled Cash that has gone through the settlement process and now belongs to the customer's cash balance
settledUnsettled OrderBuyPowerEffect Unsettled Cash, still in the settlement process, and not yet in customer's cash balance
Property Type Description Possible Values
ehDisclosureFlag boolean The disclosure flag value
ahDisclosureFlag boolean The AH disclosure flag value
conditionalDisclosureFlag boolean The conditional disclosure flag value
aoDisclosureFlag boolean The advanced order disclosure flag value
mfFLConsent boolean The mutual fund FL consent flag value
mfEOConsent boolean The mutual fund EO consent flag value
Property Type Description Possible Values
nonMarginable OrderBuyPowerEffect The total in the account that is not marginable
marginable OrderBuyPowerEffect The total in the account that is marginable
Property Type Description Possible Values
dateTime integer (int64) The date and time of the order event
orderNumber integer The numeric ID for this order in the E*TRADE system
instrument array[Instrument] The object for the instrument
Property Type Description Possible Values
event array[Event] The type of order event
Property Type Description Possible Values
product Product The product details for the security
symbolDescription string The text description of the security being bought or sold
orderAction string The action that the broker is requested to perform BUY, SELL, BUY_TO_COVER, SELL_SHORT, BUY_OPEN, BUY_CLOSE, SELL_OPEN, SELL_CLOSE, EXCHANGE
quantityType string The type of the quantity QUANTITY, DOLLAR, ALL_I_OWN, INVALID
quantity number The number of shares to buy or sell
cancelQuantity number The number of shares to cancel ordering
orderedQuantity number The number of shares ordered
filledQuantity number The number of shares filled
averageExecutionPrice number The average execution price
estimatedCommission number The cost billed to the user to perform the requested action
estimatedFees number The cost or proceeds, including broker commission, resulting from the requested action
bid number (double) The bid price
ask number (double) The ask price
lastprice number (double) The last price
currency string The currency used for the order request USD, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, CAD
lots Lots The object for the position lot
mfQuantity MFQuantity The object for the mutual fund quantity
osiKey string The Options Symbology Initiative (OSI) key containing the option root symbol, expiration date, call/put indicator, and strike price
mfTransaction string The transaction for the mutual fund order BUY, SELL, INVALID
reserveOrder boolean If TRUE, this is a reserve order meaning that only a limited number of shares will be publicly displayed instead of the entire order; this is done to avoid influencing other traders
reserveQuantity number The number of shares to be publicly displayed if this is a reserve order
Property Type Description Possible Values
id integer (int64) The lot ID of the lot selected to sell
size number The number of shares to sell for the selected lot
Property Type Description Possible Values
lot array[Lot] The position lot details
Property Type Description Possible Values
cash number (double) The value of the cash quantity in the mutual fund
margin number (double) The value of the margin quantity in the mutual fund
cusip string The CUSIP value of the mutual fund symbol
Property Type Description Possible Values
nonMarginable OrderBuyPowerEffect The total in the account that is not marginable
marginable OrderBuyPowerEffect The total in the account that is marginable
Property Type Description Possible Values
description string The text of the result message, indicating order status, success or failure, additional requirements that must be met before placing the order, and so on. Applications typically display this message to the user, which may result in further user action.
code integer (int32) The standard numeric code of the result message. Refer to the Error Messages documentation for examples. May optionally be displayed to the user, but is primarily intended for internal use.
type string The type used to identify the message WARNING, INFO, INFO_HOLD, ERROR
Property Type Description Possible Values
message array[Message] The object for the message
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderId integer (int64) ID number assigned to this order
details string The order details
orderType string The type of order being placed EQ, OPTN, SPREADS, BUY_WRITES, BUTTERFLY, IRON_BUTTERFLY, CONDOR, IRON_CONDOR, MF, MMF
totalOrderValue number The total order value
totalCommission number The total commission
orderDetail array[OrderDetail] The order confirmation ID for the placed order
events Events The events in the placed order
Property Type Description Possible Values
currentBp number Current Buying Power, without including Open orders
currentOor number Open Order Reserve for the existing open orders
currentNetBp number Current Buying Power minus the CurrentOOR
currentOrderImpact number The current order impact on the account
netBp number Buying Power after factoring in the Current Order
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderNumber integer The numeric ID for this order in the E*TRADE system
accountId string The numeric account ID
previewTime integer (int64) The time of the order preview
placedTime integer (int64) The time the order was placed (UTC)
executedTime integer (int64) The time the order was executed (UTC)
orderValue number Total cost or proceeds, including commission
orderType string The type of order being placed EQ, OPTN, SPREADS, BUY_WRITES, BUTTERFLY, IRON_BUTTERFLY, CONDOR, IRON_CONDOR, MF, MMF
orderTerm string The term for which the order is in effect GOOD_UNTIL_CANCEL, GOOD_FOR_DAY, GOOD_TILL_DATE, IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL, FILL_OR_KILL, INVALID
priceValue string The value of the price
limitPrice number The highest price at which to buy or the lowest price at which to sell if specified in a limit order
stopPrice number The designated boundary price for a stop order
stopLimitPrice number The designated boundary price for a stop-limit order
offsetType string Indicator to identify the trailing stop price type TRAILING_STOP_CNST, TRAILING_STOP_PRCT
offsetValue number The stop value for trailing stop price types
marketSession string The session in which the order will be placed REGULAR, EXTENDED
routingDestination string The exchange where the order should be executed. Users may want to specify this if they believe they can get a better order fill at a specific exchange rather than relying on the automatic order routing system. AUTO, AMEX, BOX, CBOE, ISE, NOM, NYSE, PHX
bracketedLimitPrice number The bracketed limit price (bracketed orders are not supported in API currently)
initialStopPrice number The initial stop price
trailPrice number The current trailing value. For trailing stop dollar orders, this is a fixed dollar amount. For trailing stop percentage orders, this is the price reflected by the percentage selected.
triggerPrice number The price that an advanced order will trigger. For example, if it is a $1 buy trailing stop, then the trigger price will be $1 above the last price.
conditionPrice number For a conditional order, the price the condition is being compared against
conditionSymbol string For a conditional order, the symbol that the condition is being compared against
conditionType string The type of comparison to be used in a conditional order (contingent orders are not supported in API currently) CONTINGENT_GTE, CONTINGENT_LTE
conditionFollowPrice string In a conditional order, the type of price being followed ASK, BID, LAST
conditionSecurityType string The condition security type
replacedByOrderId integer In the event of a change order request, the order ID of the order that is replacing a prior order.
replacesOrderId integer In the event of a change order request, the order ID of the order that the new order is replacing.
allOrNone boolean If TRUE, the transactions specified in the order must be executed all at once or not at all; default is FALSE
previewId integer (int64) This parameter is required and must specify the numeric preview ID from the preview and the other parameters of this request must match the parameters of the preview.
instrument array[Instrument] The object for the instrument
messages Messages The object for the messages
investmentAmount number (double) The amount of the investment
positionQuantity string The position quantity ENTIRE_POSITION, CASH, MARGIN, INVALID
aipFlag boolean Indicator to identify if automated investment planning is turned on or off
reInvestOption string Indicator flag to specify whether to reinvest profit on mutual funds REINVEST, DEPOSIT, CURRENT_HOLDING, INVALID
estimatedCommission number The cost billed to the user to perform the requested action
estimatedFees number The estimated fees
estimatedTotalAmount number The cost or proceeds, including broker commission, resulting from the requested action
netPrice number The net price
netBid number The net bid
netAsk number The net ask
gcd integer (int32) The GCD
ratio string The ratio
mfpriceType string The mutual fund price type
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderId integer (int64) ID number assigned to this order
cashMargin string The cash margin designation CASH, MARGIN, INVALID
Property Type Description Possible Values
marker string Specifies the desired starting point of the set of items to return. Used for paging as described in the Notes below.
next string The next order
order array[Order] The order response
messages Messages The messages associated with the order
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderType string The type of order being placed EQ, OPTN, SPREADS, BUY_WRITES, BUTTERFLY, IRON_BUTTERFLY, CONDOR, IRON_CONDOR, MF, MMF
clientOrderId string A reference ID generated by the developer that is used to ensure that a duplicate order is not being submitted. This reference ID may be any value of 20 or less alphanumeric characters but must be unique within the account. This field does not appear in any API responses.
order array[OrderDetail] The details of the order
previewIds array[PreviewId] This parameter is required and must specify the numeric preview ID from the preview and the other parameters of this request must match the parameters of the preview.
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderType string The type of order being placed EQ, OPTN, SPREADS, BUY_WRITES, BUTTERFLY, IRON_BUTTERFLY, CONDOR, IRON_CONDOR, MF, MMF
messageList Messages The object for the message list
totalOrderValue number The total order value
totalCommission number The total commission
orderId integer (int64) ID number assigned to this order
order array[OrderDetail] The details for the order
dstFlag boolean Indicator flag identifying whether daylight savings time is applicable or not
optionLevelCd integer (int32) The code that designates the applicable options level
isEmployee boolean Indicator flag identifying whether user is an E*TRADE employee
commissionMsg string The commission message
orderIds array[OrderId] The confirmation number of the particular order placed
placedTime integer (int64) The time the order was previewed
accountId string The numeric account ID
portfolioMargin PortfolioMargin The portfolio margin details for the user
disclosure Disclosure The disclosure designation
clientOrderId string A reference number generated by the developer used to ensure that a duplicate order is not being submitted. This ID may be any value of 20 or less alphanumeric characters, but it must be unique within this account. This field does not appear in any API responses.
Property Type Description Possible Values
houseExcessEquityNew number (double) The new house excess equity value for portfolio-margin eligible accounts
pmEligible boolean The new house excess equity value for portfolio-margin eligible accounts
houseExcessEquityCurr number (double) The current house excess equity value for portfolio-margin eligible accounts
houseExcessEquityChange number (double) The change house excess equity value for portfolio-margin eligible accounts
Property Type Description Possible Values
previewId integer (int64) The preview ID number. It must be used with place order within 3 minutes
cashMargin string The margin level designation CASH, MARGIN, INVALID
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderType string The type of order being placed EQ, OPTN, SPREADS, BUY_WRITES, BUTTERFLY, IRON_BUTTERFLY, CONDOR, IRON_CONDOR, MF, MMF
order array[OrderDetail] The order details for the preview order request
clientOrderId string A reference number generated by the developer used to ensure that a duplicate order is not being submitted. This ID may be any value of 20 or less alphanumeric characters, but it must be unique within this account. This field does not appear in any API responses.
Property Type Description Possible Values
orderType string The type of order being placed EQ, OPTN, SPREADS, BUY_WRITES, BUTTERFLY, IRON_BUTTERFLY, CONDOR, IRON_CONDOR, MF, MMF
messageList Messages The object for the message list
totalOrderValue number The total order value
totalCommission number The total commission
order array[OrderDetail] The details of the order
previewIds array[PreviewId] This parameter is required and must specify the numeric preview ID from the preview and the other parameters of this request must match the parameters of the preview.
previewTime integer (int64) The preview time
dstFlag boolean Indicator flag identifying whether daylight savings time is applicable or not
accountId string The numeric account ID
optionLevelCd integer (int32) The code that designates the applicable options level
portfolioMargin PortfolioMargin The portfolio margin details for the user
isEmployee boolean Indicator flag identifying whether user is an E*TRADE employee
commissionMessage string The commission message
disclosure Disclosure The disclosure designation
clientOrderId string A reference ID generated by the developer that is used to ensure that a duplicate order is not being submitted. This reference ID may be any value of 20 or less alphanumeric characters but must be unique within the account. This field does not appear in any API responses.
marginBpDetails MarginBuyingPowerDetails Margin Buying Power Details for the user
cashBpDetails CashBuyingPowerDetails Cash Buying Power Details for the user
dtBpDetails DtBuyingPowerDetails Day Trading Buying Power Details for the user
Property Type Description Possible Values
symbol string The market symbol for the security being bought or sold
securityType string The type code to identify the order or leg request EQ, OPTN, INDX, MF, MMF
callPut string The option type CALL, PUT, INVALID
expiryYear integer (int32) The four-digit year the option will expire
expiryMonth integer (int32) The month (1-12) the option will expire
expiryDay integer (int32) The day (1-31) the option will expire
strikePrice number The strike price for the option
expiryType string The expiration type for the option
productId ProductId ProductId
Property Type Description Possible Values
symbol string The market symbol for the security being bought or sold


For complex options, only the first leg of the option shows the actual order status. Subsequent legs show the status as OPEN.

For equity and option orders, types STOP and STOP LIMIT represent the "Stop On Quote" and "Stop Limit on Quote" price types offered by E*TRADE, respectively.

For equity orders, use limit price for type LIMIT, stop price for type STOP, and both prices for type STOP_LIMIT. For option orders, use limit price for type LIMIT, stop price for type STOP, and stop-limit price for type STOP_LIMIT.

To page through a large number of items, use the count property to specify how many items to return in a group (the default is 25), and the marker property to specify the starting point (the default is the newest). For instance, a request with no count and no marker retrieves the newest 25 items for the account. Each response includes a marker that points to the beginning of the next group. To page through all the items, repeat the request with the marker from each previous response until you receive a response with an empty marker, indicating that there are no more items.

The API does not explicitly provide for bidirectional paging. Your application can support paging backward and forward either by saving and reusing markers within the series (that is, to reissue the requests for earlier pages in the series), or saving and redisplaying the items that come in.


List Orders Request URL



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Preview Order Request URL


Preview Order Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <stopPrice />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <symbolDescription>FACEBOOK INC CL A</symbolDescription>
            <description>200|You have an existing open order for this security on the same side of the market. If you did not intend to place a second order for this security, please modify your order now.</description>
            <description>Position Concentrated.</description>
      <ratio />

Preview Order Request(SPREAD Order)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <symbolDescription>IBM Feb 15 '19 $130 Call</symbolDescription>
            <symbolDescription>IBM Feb 15 '19 $131 Call</symbolDescription>
                <description>DTBP is negative but RegTBP is positive</description>
        <ratio />

Preview Order Request(OPTIONS Order)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <symbolDescription>FB Dec 21 '18 $140 Call</symbolDescription>
        <ratio />

Preview Order Request JSON URL


Preview Order Request(SPREAD Order)



                     "description":"DTBP is negative but RegTBP is positive",
            "Instrument":[ {  
                  "symbolDescription":"IBM Feb 15 '19 $130 Call",
                  "symbolDescription":"IBM Feb 15 '19 $131 Call",
      "marginable": {
         "currentBp": "400000.00",
         "currentNetBp": "400000.00",
         "currentOor": "0.00",
         "currentOrderImpact": "296.95",
         "netBp": "399703.05"
     "nonMarginable": {
         "currentBp": "200000.00",
         "currentNetBp": "200000.00",
         "currentOor": "0.00",
         "currentOrderImpact": "296.95",
         "netBp": "199703.05"


Preview Order Request(EQUITY Order)



                     "description":"DTBP is negative but RegTBP is positive",
                     "description":"200|This stock participates in the Tick Size Pilot Program. For additional details, please see our brief overview on etrade.com.",
                  "symbolDescription":"FACEBOOK INC CL A",
      "settled": {
         "currentBp": "200501006.95",
         "currentNetBp": "200501006.95",
         "currentOor": "0.00",
         "currentOrderImpact": "1135.95",
         "netBp": "200499871.00"
      "settledUnsettled": {
         "currentBp": "200501006.95",
         "currentNetBp": "200501006.95",
         "currentOor": "0.00",
         "currentOrderImpact": "1135.95",
         "netBp": "200499871.00"


Preview Order Request(OPTIONS Order)






                  "productId": {
                      "symbol": "FB----210409P00297500",
                      "typeCode": "OPTION"
            "symbolDescription":"FB Dec 21 '18 $140 Call",

      "marginable": {
         "currentBp": "400000.00",
         "currentNetBp": "400000.00",
         "currentOor": "0.00",
         "currentOrderImpact": "296.95",
         "netBp": "399703.05"
      "nonMarginable": {
         "currentBp": "200000.00",
         "currentNetBp": "200000.00",
         "currentOor": "0.00",
         "currentOrderImpact": "296.95",
         "netBp": "199703.05"


Place Order Request URL


Place Order Request


      <stopPrice />



         <symbolDescription>FACEBOOK INC CL A</symbolDescription>
            <description>200|The market was closed when we received your order. It has been entered into our system and will be reviewed prior to market open on the next regular trading day. After market open, please check to make sure your order was accepted.</description>
      <ratio />

Place Order Request(SPREAD Order)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <symbolDescription>IBM Feb 15 '19 $130 Call</symbolDescription>
            <symbolDescription>IBM Feb 15 '19 $131 Call</symbolDescription>
                <description>200|The market was closed when we received your order. It has been entered into our system and will be reviewed prior to market open on the next regular trading day. After market open, please check to make sure your order was accepted.</description>
        <ratio />


Place Order Request(OPTIONS Order)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <symbolDescription>FB Dec 21 '18 $140 Call</symbolDescription>
           <description>200|Your order was successfully entered during market hours.</description>
    <ratio />

Place Order Request JSON URL


Place Order Request(SPREAD Order)



                     "description":"200|The market was closed when we received your order. It has been entered into our system and will be reviewed prior to market open on the next regular trading day. After market open, please check to make sure your order was accepted.",
                  "symbolDescription":"IBM Feb 15 '19 $130 Call",
                  "symbolDescription":"IBM Feb 15 '19 $131 Call",

Place Order Request(EQUITY Order)



                     "description":"200|The market was closed when we received your order. It has been entered into our system and will be reviewed prior to market open on the next regular trading day. After market open, please check to make sure your order was accepted.",
                  "symbolDescription":"FACEBOOK INC CL A",


Place Order Request(OPTIONS Order)



	"PlaceOrderResponse": {
	   "orderType": "OPTN",
	   "Order": {
		  "orderTerm": "GOOD_FOR_DAY",
		  "priceType": "MARKET",
		  "limitPrice": "0",
		  "stopPrice": "0",
		  "marketSession": "REGULAR",
		  "allOrNone": "false",
		  "Instrument": {
			 "Product": {
				"symbol": "FB",
				"securityType": "OPTN",
				"callPut": "CALL",
				"expiryYear": "2018",
				"expiryMonth": "12",
				"expiryDay": "21",
				"strikePrice": "140.00"
				    "productId": {
                        "symbol": "FB----210409P00297500",
                        "typeCode": "OPTION"
			 "symbolDescription": "FB Dec 21 '18 $140 Call",
			 "orderAction": "BUY_OPEN",
			 "quantityType": "QUANTITY",
			 "quantity": "1",
			 "cancelQuantity": "0.0",
			 "osiKey": "FB----181221C00140000",
			 "reserveOrder": "true",
			 "reserveQuantity": "0.0"
		  "messages": {
			 "Message": {
				"code": "1026",
				"description": "200|Your order was successfully entered during market hours.",
				"type": "WARNING"
		  "estimatedCommission": "5.45",
		  "estimatedTotalAmount": "330.4644",
		  "netPrice": "0",
		  "netBid": "0",
		  "netAsk": "0",
		  "gcd": "0",
		  "ratio": []
	   "dstFlag": "false",
	   "optionLevelCd": "4",
	   "marginLevelCd": "MARGIN_TRADING_ALLOWED",
	   "OrderIds": {
		  "orderId": "169"
	   "placedTime": "1544038195663",
	   "accountId": "314497960"

Cancel Order Request URL


Cancel Order Request





         <description>200|Your request to cancel your order is being processed.</description>

Change Previewed Order Request URL


Change Previewed Order Request


      <stopPrice />



         <symbolDescription>FORD MTR CO DEL COM PAR $0.01</symbolDescription>
            <description>200|You are about to place a marketable limit order that is atleast 20% greater than the current ask price for the security and could be executed if placed.</description>
            <description>DTBP is negative but RegTBP is positive</description>
      <ratio />

Place Changed Order Request URL


Place Changed Order Request


      <stopPrice />



         <symbolDescription>FORD MTR CO DEL COM PAR $0.01</symbolDescription>
            <description>200|Your order was successfully entered during market hours.</description>
      <ratio />
Status Code Reason Error Code
400 Bad clearance code received. 1
400 You did not specify an order type. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 2
400 The OrderAction you specified is invalid. 3
400 The price type you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 4
400 The term you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 5
400 You did not specify a limit price. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 6
400 You did not specify a stop price. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 7
400 The trailing parameter you specified is invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure you enter a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 8
400 The percentage must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Please adjust the percentage and resubmit your order. 9
400 To complete your order, please select a Strike Price. 15
400 To complete your order, please select an Option Expiry Date. 16
400 To complete your order, please select an Option Type. 17
400 The dollar amount entered is invalid. Please fill in the correct details and resubmit your order. 20
400 You have entered an invalid number of contracts for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 22
400 You have entered an invalid number of shares for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 24
400 Please specify a price to complete your order. 25
400 Please specify an order type: Buy Open, Sell Open, Buy Close, or Sell Close. 26
400 Please specify an order type: Buy, Sell, Sell Short, or Buy to Cover. 27
400 Please enter a valid security type. 29
400 Extended Hours Disclosure was not signed. 30
400 Advanced Order Disclosure was not signed. 31
400 Conditional Order Disclosure was not signed. 32
400 Your sell short is Hard to Borrow and cannot be processed through this platform. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 or logon to etrade.com for more information. 33
204 Data not found. 53
404 Resource not found. 404
200 Your transaction fee is waived for this order. 4192
400 The selected order has already been sent to market and cannot be cancelled. 4149
400 This account is not approved for trading. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information. 1000
400 To complete your order, please enter a stock symbol in the Symbol Entry box. 1001
400 Our system does not recognize this symbol. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1002
400 This does not appear to be a valid stock symbol. Please make sure that you have entered the symbol correctly. 1003
400 You have entered the symbol of an index, not of a stock. Please go back and make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1004
400 This symbol is not recognized. Please make sure that you have entered the symbol correctly. 1005
400 Our system does not recognize this symbol. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1006
400 Number of shares for this order is either missing or invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure your enter a whole number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 1007
400 Short sales in even lots. 1008
400 The share quantity you have entered is too large. Please check that you have enough shares or buying power and reenter the number of shares. 1009
400 There is currently a 500 share or 10% of volume maximum share quantity allowed in your account. Please adjust the share quantity you entered, or contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 1010
400 This order cannot be accepted because the limit price is above (for a buy order) or below (for a sell order) the current market price by a large percentage. Please edit your limit price and try placing your order again. 1011
400 Please use numbers for price. 1012
400 Odd lots must be market price. 1013
400 Price not within 20% of market. Please check price. 1014
400 This stock cannot be sold short because either its current price is below one dollar or you have specified a stop or limit price below one dollar. 1015
400 No price available. 1016
400 The fraction you entered in the Price field is either invalid or not acceptable for trades in this particular stock. Please enter a different fraction or enter your price using decimals instead of fractions. 1017
400 The price you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid price. 1018
400 This stop order cannot be processed. Either the stop price is invalid or stop orders cannot be placed on this stock or option. For more information about stop order restrictions, refer to E*STATION HELP under the Buying and Selling Stocks or Trading and Exercising Options sections. 1019
400 The trading password you have entered is invalid. Please reenter it or click Forgot your password?. 1020
400 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient funds in your account. 1021
400 Too few contracts in account. 1022
400 You cannot change this order because it is either pending cancellation or has already been cancelled. 1023
400 Bad characters in fields. 1024
400 Please select an order type by clicking the Buy, Sell, Short or Cover radio button. 1025
200 Your order was successfully entered during market hours. 1026
200 The market was closed when we received your order. It has been entered into our system and will be reviewed prior to market open on the next regular trading day. After market open, please check to make sure your order was accepted. 1027
400 This is a duplicate order. 1028
400 Please specify which lots to sell. Tax lots must be specified or random lots will be selected. 1029
400 Please specify the term for this order: GTC or Day. 1030
400 Please verify the lots to be sold. Lots must be equal to or greater than the number of shares in the order. Tax lots does not match your request. 1031
400 All-or-none orders are allowed only on orders for 300 or more shares. Please adjust the order type or quantity and resubmit your order. 1032
400 For your protection, we have timed out your original order request. If you would like to place this order, please resubmit it now. 1033
400 Day orders for the next trading session cannot be accepted in the first two minutes after market close. Please change the term to Good until Canceled (GTC) if you would like to place this order now. 1034
400 Market orders must be placed as day orders. If you wish to place a market order, please select Good for Day as the term. 1035
200 Your account has been restricted to placing closing orders only. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information. 1036
200 We did not find enough available shares of this security in your account for the closing order as placed. Please check the number of shares you entered and resubmit your order. You may also need to check your open orders since shares for this security may already be allocated to an existing open order. 1037
400 Please check the number of shares you have entered for this order. We did not find enough unrestricted shares of this security in your account for the order as placed. 1038
400 You have entered a number that exceeds the number of shares you hold in the security you want to trade. Please enter a number either equal to or less than the number of shares you hold. (Click Account Positions under the Account Services tab to find out how many shares of each security you currently hold in your portfolio.) 1039
200 You have entered an order to close out a position in a security you do not currently hold in your portfolio under this account number. Please make sure you have entered an order for the correct account number. 1040
400 Your sell short order cannot be processed. Either you do not have a margin account or short sales in this security are not allowed. 1041
200 You have an existing open order for this security on the same side of the market. If you did not intend to place a second order for this security, please modify your order now. 1042
200 Trading has been halted for this security. Your order can be accepted, but it will not be processed until trading resumes. 1043
400 Your sell short order cannot be processed. Short sales in this security are not allowed because we were unable to borrow the shares. 1044
200 NOTE: NASDAQ/BB quotes are only indications of the market price and do not represent firm quotes. You may want to consider entering a limit order instead of a market order. 1045
400 The security for which you have placed an order is on the E*TRADE Securities restricted list. 1046
400 You did not specify an order type. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 1047
400 The price type you specified is not allowed for orders on OTC, bulletin board, pink sheet, non-equity, and certain other securities. Please consider entering as a limit order. 1048
400 We are currently processing your previous request. Please try back in a few minutes. 1049
400 Price format changed. 1050
400 E*TRADE allows only limit buy orders on Bulletin Board securities. Please go back and enter a valid limit price. Use your web browser's back button to correct this order. 1051
400 Not allowed for ABWT. 1052
400 Extended-hours orders must be entered as limit orders. Please adjust the price type and resubmit your order. 1053
400 Extended-hours orders cannot be placed as all-or-none. Please uncheck the All-or-None box and resubmit your order. 1054
400 Extended-hours orders cannot be placed in odd lots. Please adjust the number of shares and resubmit your order. 1055
400 Cannot place order; the market is closed. 1056
400 Symbol is invalid for ETGC. 1057
400 This order cannot be changed. If you wish to cancel and reenter it, please click View Open Orders at the right of the screen. 1058
400 Invalid GTD. 1059
400 Duplicate ETGC order. 1060
400 Bad clearance code received. 1061
400 This account is approved for covered call writing only. 1062
400 The term you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 1063
200 Note: Your estimated order total includes a $3 order handling fee. 1064
200 Note: Your estimated order proceeds reflects a $3 order handling fee. 1065
400 You did not enter the number of shares. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 1066
400 Please enter your trading password to complete this order. 1067
400 Since the market is now closed, this order will not be reviewed until the morning prior to market open on the next regular trading day. 1068
400 The price you entered is invalid. This stock participates in the Tick Size Pilot Program, which requires orders to be entered in $0.05 increments. For additional details, please see our brief overview on etrade.com. 1084
200 This stock participates in the Tick Size Pilot Program. For additional details, please see our brief overview on etrade.com. 1085
400 Non-equity, bulletin board, pink sheet, and other securities (including those in the Tick Size Pilot Program) are not eligible for the type of order you've specified. This stock participates in the Tick Size Pilot Program. For additional details, please see our brief overview on etrade.com 1087
400 Null value specified. 1100
400 Invalid format. 1101
400 Invalid account specified for the user. 1102
400 Invalid count specified. The count should be between 1 and 100. 1103
400 Average Cost methodology to determine your cost basis is an available option. To update your cost basis method, please click here. 1104
400 Invalid Account number: Negative value passed for account number. 1105
400 Invalid User Id: Null value passed for UserId. 1106
400 Invalid User Id: Invalid format. 1107
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Highest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1108
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Lowest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1109
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Minimum Tax Impact. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1110
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Lowest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1113
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Lowest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1114
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Lowest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1119
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Lowest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1120
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Highest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1111
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Highest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1112
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Highest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1117
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Highest Cost First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1118
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Minimum Tax Impact. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1115
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Minimum Tax Impact. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1116
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Minimum Tax Impact. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1121
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Minimum Tax Impact. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1122
200 Because these securities were purchased with the proceeds of the sale of another security in your account and/or unsettled Quick Transfer funds, an order to sell these securities, if executed prior to the settlement date of the previous sale and/or the Quick Transfer, may subject your account to a 90-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 1249
200 These securities were purchased with unsettled proceeds from the sale of another security in your account and/or unsettled Quick Transfer funds. Consequently, if this sell order executes prior to the settlement of the previous sale and/or the Quick Transfer, your account may be subject to a 90-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 1250
400 You did not specify an order type. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 1500
400 All-or-None is not a valid qualifier for this order. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 1501
400 This security is not yet trading in normal session. Only limit orders can be accepted at this time. Please adjust the price type and resubmit your order. 1502
400 Only listed, Nasdaq NMS, Nasdaq Small Cap, and OTC Bulletin Board are eligible for extended-hours trading. 1503
400 The price type you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 1504
400 Since you have selected a market order, please do not specify a limit or stop price. 1505
400 StopLimit price is either missing or invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure the price you enter is a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 1506
400 You did not enter a stop-limit price. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 1507
400 A price for this security is temporarily unavailable. You may enter this order only as a limit, stop, or stop-limit order until a price becomes available. 1508
400 The stop price must be at least $0.01 below the current bid price for sell orders($0.01 below the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please adjust the stop price and resubmit your order. 1509
400 The stop price must be at least $0.01 above the current ask price buy orders ($0.01 above the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please adjust the stop price and resubmit your order. 1510
400 Only limit orders are accepted for stocks trading below $1. Please adjust the price type and resubmit your order. 1511
400 Extended-hours orders must be entered as good-for-day orders. Please adjust the term and resubmit your order. 1512
400 Our Extended Hours Trading service is available from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET each market day. If you wish, you can enter your order now for our next regular trading session by selecting a different term. 1513
400 We did not find this security in your account for the closing order as placed. Please check the symbol you have entered and resubmit your order. 1514
400 We cannot accept a buy-to-cover order as you are not short this security. Please adjust the order type or security and resubmit your order. 1515
400 Your buy order must execute before we can accept your sell order. 1516
400 We cannot accept a buy-to-cover order as your sell short order for this security has not yet executed. Please adjust the order type or security and resubmit your order. 1517
200 We cannot accept this order at this time because there are insufficient funds in your account. 1518
400 The account you selected does not match the user name and password we have on record. Please log off, then log on and try to place your order again. For assistance, call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 1520
400 For the first seven business days after using our real-time account opening feature, you are restricted from short sales, extended-hours trading, trading OTC Bulletin Board securities, and purchasing stocks under $10 per share. 1521
400 The routing destination you requested is not currently open. Your order cannot be accepted at this time. 1522
400 This account is restricted from trading, so your change order cannot be processed at this time. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information. 1523
400 We cannot accept this change request right now because your previous change request is still being processed. Please give us a moment, then place your request again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 1524
400 This option has been exercised so we cannot accept your cancel or change request. 1525
400 Orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. For assistance with placing this order, please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 1526
400 Opening orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. For assistance with placing this order, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 1527
400 Closing orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. For assistance with placing this order, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 1528
400 You cannot place this order type through the market center you selected. To place this order now, please change the order type. Questions? Call us at 1-888-388-2900. 1530
400 This symbol is not listed on the NYSE. 1533
400 The limit price must be equal to or greater than the stop price. Please adjust the limit price and resubmit your order. 1535
400 The limit price must be equal to or less than the stop price. Please adjust the limit price and resubmit your order. 1536
400 Orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time due to a pending corporate action. For assistance with placing this order, please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 1537
400 The trigger price must be above the current bid price. Please adjust the trigger price and resubmit your order. 1545
400 The trigger price must be below the current ask price. Please enter a trigger price lower than the current ask, and reenter your order. 1546
400 Opening transactions for Caveat Emptor securities are not permitted because of the risks associated with trading shares in these companies. 1550
400 For regulatory reasons, orders in initial public offerings (IPOs) cannot be accepted until the IPO date. Please return to place your order on the morning of the IPO date. 1555
400 Due to firm policy relating to employee restrictions, this order cannot be submitted at this time. Please contact 1-800-ETRADE1 (1-800-387-2331) regarding questions on transacting in this security. 1554
400 This order type is currently not available in this security. Please consider using a Limit or Stop Limit on Quote order instead. 1556
400 Opening transactions in Pink No Information, Grey Market and Expert Market securities are not permitted due to the inherent risk associated with these products. 1561
400 The security selected for this order may be in violation of your employer's Code of Conduct. Please be sure to confirm with your employer that no violation would occur prior to placing this order. 1560
400 Opening orders in expiring options series on or near their expiration date are currently not allowed in this symbol. This restriction is in place to help protect E*TRADE and our clients against elevated expiration risk in this security. 1557
400 By placing this order, you attest that you are not an Affiliate, Insider, or Control Person of the issuer and that the order is self-directed and unsolicited. You further attest that if you become an Affiliate, Insider, or Control Person of the issuer, you will cancel this and any other open order for this security. Please note that applicable rules prohibit publishing bid/ask quotations for this security and that last sale information may not reflect current market interest. Dealer spreads in OTC securities may be large and may result in substantial losses to you if the stock must be sold immediately. In some cases, there may not be a market for the security making it impossible to sell your shares. Only Limit orders are accepted for this security. 1562
400 Your order cannot be accepted at this time. Please try placing it again in a few minutes, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 1998
400 Your order cannot be accepted at this time. Please try placing it again in a few minutes, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 1999
400 Account is invalid. 2001
400 Acct xref was not found. 2002
400 Your change order cannot be accepted at this time. Please try placing it again in a few minutes, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2003
400 Open start date is invalid. 2004
400 Open end date is invalid. 2005
400 Other start date is invalid. 2006
400 Other end date is invalid. 2007
400 Security type is invalid. 2008
400 The symbol you entered does not appear to be valid. Please make sure you've placed the symbol correctly. If you're unsure of the symbol, try Symbol Search. 2009
400 Order RFA is invalid. 2010
400 Trade history RFA is invalid. 2011
400 Request type is invalid. 2012
400 Account is restricted or disabled. 2013
400 Account compliance check failed. 2014
400 The trading password you have entered is invalid. Please reenter it or click Forgot your password?. 2015
400 Trading is halted on this security. 2016
400 Trading in this security is currently restricted. 2017
400 Your market order cannot be processed at this time because a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. You may resubmit the order as a limit, stop, or stop-limit order now, or try placing it again later as a market order. 2018
400 The symbol you entered does not appear to be valid. Please make sure you've entered the symbol correctly. If you're unsure of the symbol, try Symbol Search. 2019
400 Symbol error: Option symbol has expired. 2020
400 Order term or type is invalid. 2021
400 Order side or position effect is invalid. 2022
400 Please specify an order type: Buy Open, Sell Open, Buy Close, or Sell Close. 2023
400 RFA is invalid. 2024
400 Stop orders for this security are not currently being accepted. 2025
400 Please select GTC or Day as the term for this order. 2026
400 This account is not approved for options trading. 2027
400 You have entered an invalid number of contracts for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 2028
400 The stop price you specified for this order is invalid. The stop price must be at least 10 cents above the ask price for buy orders, and 10 cents below the bid price for sell orders. 2029
400 The number of shares per contract does not equal 100. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 to assist with placing this order. 2030
400 The ratio of contracts you entered for this order cannot be placed through the website. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 to place this order with a broker. 2031
400 Order key & rfa are missing. 2032
400 Options limit orders cannot exceed 10,000 contracts online. To place your order, please call 800-387-2331. 2033
400 Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 to place this order with a broker. 2034
400 The underlying security for the option symbol does not match the stock symbol. 2035
400 Invalid number of shares. Shares must be placed as round lots (100, 200, 300, etc.). 2036
400 Multi-leg stop/stoplimit not allowed. 2037
400 Bulletin board does not allow stop orders. 2038
400 Limit too close to market price. 2039
400 The price you specified for this order is invalid. If you are placing an option order, please note that some options must be entered in increments of $0.05 or $0.10. If you continue to receive this message, please contact customer service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 2040
400 This order has been sent to the market center, where it is pending. It cannot be cancelled. 2041
400 Routing info invalid (origsys, routsys, destmkt). 2042
200 Other open orders for leg 1 security. 2043
200 Other open orders for leg 2 security. 2044
400 Leg count is invalid. 2045
400 Bad parameter. 2046
400 Position record not found. 2047
400 The number of shares per contract does not equal 100. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 to place this order with a broker. 2048
400 Legs have the same symbol. 2049
400 Invalid debit/credit value. 2050
400 This account is approved for Level 1 option transactions only. 2051
400 The underlying security for both option symbols must be the same. 2052
400 Complex option orders with stock/option combinations cannot be entered with index symbols. Please reenter the order. 2053
400 Please reenter your order by placing the buy order as the first leg of the order. 2054
400 The trailing parameter you have specified is invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure you enter a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 2055
400 Please select either points or percent for the trailing stop value you have specified. 2056
400 You did not specify an advanced order type. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 2057
400 The limit price you specified is invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure you enter a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 2058
400 The stop price you specified is invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure you enter a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 2059
400 Trailing stops can be adjusted only against the bid and ask. 2060
400 IMPORTANT: The stop price must be at least $0.01 below the current bid price for sell orders ($0.01 below the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please adjust the stop price and resubmit your order. 2061
400 IMPORTANT: The stop price must be at least $0.01 above the current ask price for buy orders ($0.01 above the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please adjust the stop price and resubmit your order. 2062
400 The order you entered cannot be changed. 2064
400 Advanced orders cannot be placed as all-or-none. Please uncheck the All-or-None box and resubmit your order. 2065
400 To be eligible for conditional orders, a stock must be trading for more than $1.00. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for further assistance. 2066
400 A regular stock order cannot be changed to an advanced order. 2067
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2068
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2069
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2070
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2071
400 Orders to sell short must be placed as good-for-day orders. Please modify the term you entered and resubmit your order. 2072
400 Non-equity, bulletin board, pink sheet and other specific securities are not eligible for the type of order you have specified. 2073
400 The limit price must be above the current bid price. Please adjust the limit price and resubmit your order. 2074
400 The lower trigger price must be below the current ask price. Please enter a lower trigger price lower than the current ask, and reenter your order. 2075
400 Limit price is either missing or invalid. Please provide valid limit price and resubmit your order. 2076
400 Stop price is either missing or invalid. Please provide valid stop price and resubmit your order. 2077
400 Orders entered via the website must be for whole shares. Your order has been rounded down to the nearest whole number. 2078
400 Bracketed sell short orders must be reapproved when they are triggered. Your order may be rejected at that time if you have insufficient buying power. 1547
400 Trailing stop sell short orders must be reapproved when they are triggered. Your order may be rejected at that time if you have insufficient buying power. 2079
400 Advanced orders cannot be accepted at this time. Please try again later, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2080
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for assistance. 2083
400 IMPORTANT: The stop price must be at least $0.01 below the current bid price for sell orders ($0.01 below the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please adjust the stop price and resubmit your order. 2084
400 IMPORTANT: The stop price must be at least $0.01 above the current ask price buy orders ($0.01 above the most recent closing price if the market is closed). Please adjust the stop price and resubmit your order. 2085
400 This security is not eligible for new advanced orders at this time. 2086
400 The percentage must be greater than 0 and less than 100. Please adjust the percentage and resubmit your order. 2087
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted because there was no price available for the security. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 2089
400 You did not specify a stop price. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 2090
400 Please specify a limit price to complete your order. 2091
400 Please specify a stop price to complete your order. 2092
400 This symbol does not appear to be a stock symbol. Please make sure that you have entered the valid symbol correctly. 2093
200 Important! NYSE Rule 431 Notice: Because you are currently subject to a day trading minimum equity call, your account will be restricted to cash only transactions for 90 days if this day trade executes. 2097
200 This order to purchase securities, if accepted and executed, will be paid for out of proceeds from the previous sale of securities in your account, which is to settle on or before the date by which payment for this purchase transaction is due. If you subsequently enter an order to sell these securities before they are fully paid for, your account may be subject to a 90-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 2098
200 Because these securities were purchased with the proceeds of the sale of another security in your account, the order to sell these securities, if executed prior to the settlement date of the previous sale, may subject your account to a 90-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 2099
400 You have entered an invalid number of contracts for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 3000
400 To complete your order, please specify the option symbol. 3001
400 This account is not approved for Level 2 or Level 3 options trading. 3002
400 Please note that this option contract does not equal 100 shares per contract. 3003
400 We did not find enough available contracts of this security in your account for the closing order as placed. Please check the number of contracts you entered and resubmit your order. You may also need to check your open orders, as shares for this security may already be allocated to an existing open order. 3004
400 You are not short the option. Please adjust the order type to an opening order or modify the symbol. 3005
400 Naked index options are not permitted at E*TRADE Securities LLC. 3006
400 You are not approved for naked calls. 3007
400 This account is not approved for Level 3 options trading. 3008
400 This option has expired. 3009
400 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient funds in your account. 3010
400 We cannot accept this order until your sell order for underlying stock is cancelled at your current option trading level. 3011
400 We cannot accept this order because your Margin Equity is below the Portfolio Margin minimum equity requirement of $100,000. 3012
400 Placing spread orders requires minimum equity of $2,000 in your account. 3013
400 A minimum of $2,000 in equity is required to hold an index spread or naked equity put position. Any such trade may not reduce your equity below that amount. 3014
400 This account is not approved for Level 3 options trading. 3015
400 Trading on the underlying security has been halted. Your order can be accepted, but will not be processed until trading has resumed on the underlying security. 3016
400 Please specify a price type: Market, Net Debit, Net Credit or Even. 3017
400 Since you have selected a market order, please do not specify a net debit/credit or even price. 3018
400 Please specify a price to complete your order. 3019
400 Your market order cannot be processed at this time because a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. You may reenter the order as a net debit, net credit, or even order now. You may also try placing it again later as a market order. 3020
400 You may enter the order as it is a net debit, net credit, or even order now, but please note that a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. 3021
400 The ratio of contracts you entered for this order cannot be placed through the website. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 to place this order with a broker. 3022
400 The ratio of contracts for this order is not one-to-one. 3023
400 The ratio of shares to contracts for this order is not one-to-one. 3024
400 GTC orders on stop/stop limits are not permitted. 3025
400 To place Level 4 trades, you must have equity of at least $2,000 in your margin account. Any such order may not reduce your equity below that amount. 3026
400 You cannot open a long and short position on the same option symbol. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 if you have any questions on placing your order. 3027
400 The spread order you entered is invalid. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for help placing this order. 3028
400 We cannot process your request at this time due to a restriction on this account. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information and to restore full functionality. 3030
400 We are unable to accept your order as entered since it would create an unapproved options position for your account when paired with current positions and/or open orders. For information on options approval levels, please visit the Help Center, or call 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 3031
400 We are unable to accept your order since your account currently holds an unapproved options position on the same underlying security. If this situation is not resolved, we may need to take action to close the position. If you are trying to partially cover or close the unapproved position, you will need to do so via a single-legged order. For information on options approval levels, please visit the Help Center, or call 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 3032
200 Your account currently holds an unapproved option position in the underlying security for this order. If this situation is not resolved, we may need to take action to close the unapproved position. The order you are placing will not fully resolve this issue. For information on options approval levels, please visit the Help Center, or call 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 3033
400 This product is not available due to PRIIPs Regulation which impacts customers that reside in the European Economic Area. 3048
200 PRIIPs Regulations require the issuer or manufacturer of this product to develop and provide a Key Information Document ("KIDs") to EEA residents. Please visit PRIIPs Regulation Requirements to access KIDs for products available for trading at E*TRADE. KIDs are not marketing material; they are legally mandated documents that contain relevant information related to your purchase of a PRIIP. 3049
200 This order cannot be placed due to restrictions on certain options strategies in this security at this time. 3510
400 Calendar European Style Index Options are not allowed. 3068
400 Calendar European Style Index Options are not allowed. 3069
400 Our records indicate that this option is out of money. Please confirm with your supervisor and make sure the client understands the option is out of money and he/she still wants to exercise. 3701
400 Our records indicate this option has time premium. Please confirm with your supervisor and make sure the client understands the option still has time premium. The client may be better off to sell the option contract and buy/sell the stock in the open market. 3702
400 Special Attention Required! Trading in your Advised Investment Account may impact your portfolio's asset allocation. You may wish to contact your financial advisor prior to entering an order to determine its effect on your financial plan. 3089
400 Special Attention Required! This is an actively managed advisory account and trading in this account may impact your portfolio's asset allocation. Please contact your wealth advisor or E*TRADE Customer Service if you have additional questions. 3090
200 Please note: If executed, this order could create a concentrated position in this security. Concentrated positions are subject to higher margin requirements. 3093
400 A failure not listed above. 3998
500 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 3999
400 No open stock orders. 4000
400 No default account. 4001
400 Orders API is limited to support a maximum of 25 symbols. 4002
400 A failure not listed above. 4998
500 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4999
400 This order has been sent to the market center, where it is pending. It cannot be cancelled. 5000
400 This order is currently being executed or rejected. It cannot be cancelled. 5001
400 After the close of market each day, unexecuted day orders expire automatically. It is not necessary to cancel this order. 5002
400 We cannot accept your current request to cancel this order because there is a cancellation request already pending. 5003
400 This account is not approved for trading. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information. 5004
400 This order is not open (or partially open) and therefore cannot be cancelled. 5005
400 This account is not approved for trading. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for more information. 5006
400 Bad type. 5007
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 5008
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 5009
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 5010
200 Your request to cancel your order is being processed. 5011
400 Your order was cancelled due to a stock split or company reorganization. If you still wish to place this order, you may resubmit it during the next market session. 5012
400 To change this reserve order, please call Customer Service at 1-888-388-2900. 5017
400 A reserve order must be for a minimum of 2 contracts. Please enter a different quantity. 5020
400 Reserve orders must be for increment of 1 contract. Please enter a different number in the Show Qty field. 5021
400 Reserve options orders can be routed only to the market centers NOM and NYSE; the market center you selected is not NOM or NYSE. Please choose a different market center. 5022
400 When you are placing a reserve order, the number of contracts you enter must be at least 1 contract less than the actual quantity of your order. Please enter a different number in the Show Qty field. 5023
400 For a reserve order, the minimum show quantity must be 1 contract or 1% of the total quantity, whichever is greater. 5024
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for assistance. 5998
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for assistance. 5999
400 Your account is currently disabled. For assistance, call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 6000
400 No default account. 6001
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 6002
400 Negative equity percent. 6003
400 No cash or securities held in account. 6004
400 Account has no equity. 6005
500 Information not available. 6006
400 Options market orders cannot exceed 3,000 contracts online. Please consider using a limit order or call 800-387-2331 for assistance. 6516
400 The underlying security is currently Hard to Borrow. If you acquire a short position through assignment or exercise, you will be assessed Hard-to-Borrow fees based on the opening transaction settlement date. To learn more, see the HTB FAQ Page. 6520
400 A failure not listed above. 6998
500 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 6999
400 Please enter valid input for OrderId. 7001
400 Invalid order date. 7003
400 Realtime BETA notification failed. 7004
400 Disbursement type invalid. 7005
400 Customer account not valid. 7006
400 Inventory account not valid. 7007
400 Security symbol is unknown. 7008
400 Service not yet implemented. 7009
400 Buy/sell code invalid. 7010
400 Customer account not found. 7011
400 Customer account not found. 7012
400 Customer account not on this cluster. 7013
400 Inventory account not on this cluster. 7014
400 Inventory account position update failed. 7015
400 Inventory account order not found. 7016
400 Inventory account order detail mismatch. 7017
400 Customer account order placement failed. 7018
400 Customer account trade history update failed. 7019
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 7020
400 Since your account is coded as a DVP account (Delivery vs. Payment Account), your order could not be processed. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for assistance. 7021
400 VMS User ID does not exist. 7022
400 VMS User account has been deactivated. 7023
400 A trailing stop sell order is not allowed on an option with a bid price of $0.10 or less. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 7024
400 The Value you have specified for this Conditional order is invalid. 7025
400 Invalid or Missing Tier Level. 7026
400 This order is invalid because two or more parts of your One-Cancels-All order are on the same side of the market and have either a trailing stop, stop-limit or stop price type. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 7027
400 One or more parts of this order are still pending cancellation. You may go to View Orders to monitor the status of this cancel request. 7028
400 The order you entered is not valid at this time. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 7029
400 Unexpected error. 7030
400 Requested Tier Level is below minimum tier level. 7031
400 Reason required for this transaction. 7032
400 VMS User ID must be specified. 7033
400 Type Code must be specified. 7034
400 Subscription request rejected; customer is already an active trader. 7035
400 Invalid Allow Flag specified. 7036
400 Invalid DET 6040 Flag specified. 7037
400 Invalid Type Code specified. 7038
400 Invalid Minimum Tier Level specified. 7039
400 Invalid Professional Flag specified. 7040
400 Invalid Professional Signed Agreement Flag specified. 7041
400 A change or cancel request cannot be made on a market-on-close or limit-on-close order after 3:50 pm ET. If you have questions please contact customer service at 1-800-387-2331. 7045
400 You may not place a Sell Short, Market on Close order. 7046
400 Employee Online Trading Disclosure needed. 7047
400 We accept only Good For Day orders for this security in your account. Please adjust the order term or security, and reenter your order. 7048
400 We accept only Buy/Sell for this security in your account. Please adjust the order type or security, and reenter your order. 7049
400 Invalid gateway. Please place your trade via the E*TRADE Securities website. 7050
400 The security for which you have placed an order is on your employer's restricted list. Please consult your employer's list before placing an order. 7051
400 The security for which you are adjusting your order has recently been added to your employer's restricted security list. Please consult your employer's list before placing this order. 7052
400 You may not place or modify this order at this time. 7053
400 Account number does not exist. 7200
400 Please check on all the disclosure check boxes. 7300
400 Please enter valid input for symbol. 8001
400 Buy-to-open options market orders are subject to additional price buffers in case the ask price increases during execution. Your account does not have sufficient buying power to cover. Please consider using a limit order. 8402
400 We cannot accept this order because of insufficient buying power in your account. Selling options to open on their expiration day carries elevated requirements due to additional assignment risk. 8403
400 We cannot accept this order because the net credit you entered exceeds the regulatory margin requirement for the spread. 8450
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for assistance. 9990
500 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 9999
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of First In First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1070
200 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your tax lot preference of Last In First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector Tool. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1071
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Maximize Loss. Your selections added up to less than the total transaction size. 1072
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Maximize Gain. Your selections added up to less than the total transaction size. 1073
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Minimize Long-Term Gain. Your selections added up to less than the total transaction size. 1074
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Minimize Short-Term Gain. Your selections added up to less than the total transaction size. 1075
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Maximize Long-Term Gain. Your selections added up to less than the total transaction size. 1076
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and the remaining shares will be assigned based on your tax lot preference of Maximize Short-Term Gain. Your selections added up to less than the total transaction size. 1077
200 Your Account Preferences indicate that you'd like to choose offsetting lots using the Lot Selector. If you do not select lots, First In, First Out, will be applied. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1078
200 Your Account Preferences indicate that you’d like to choose offsetting lots using the Lot Selector. If you do not select lots, First In, First Out, will be applied. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1079
200 Your Account Preferences indicate that you'd like to choose offsetting lots using the Lot Selector. If you do not select lots, First In, First Out, will be applied. Please note that you have until 4pm ET on the date of settlement to change your selection. 1080
200 Since you purchased shares of this security today, this closing order will result in a day trade if it executes before market close. 1081
400 E*TRADE employees are prohibited from placing options transactions and conditional orders on E*TRADE Financial stock. 1082
400 Please select a Security Type. 20000
400 The term you have specified for this order is invalid. 20001
400 Please select valid order type. 20002
400 Please select valid price type. 20003
400 Trigger When Presentable option is only eligible for options limit orders. 20005
400 Please select a valid order type. 20006
400 Please enter valid number of shares in quantity box. 20007
400 Please enter valid number of contracts in quantity box. 20008
400 The option symbol you entered does not appear to be valid. Please make sure you have placed the symbol correctly. 20009
400 The symbol you entered does not appear to be valid. Please make sure you have placed the symbol correctly. 20010
400 The symbol you entered does not appear to be valid. Please make sure you have placed the symbol correctly. 20011
400 The price you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 20012
400 Please select valid reason to waive broker assist fee. 20013
400 All-or-None is not a valid qualifier for a quantity less than 300. 20014
400 The term you specified for this order is invalid. 20015
400 All-or-None is not a valid qualifier for this order. 20016
400 The price you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 20017
400 Please select valid condition. 20018
400 Please select valid price qualifier. 20019
400 The value you have specified for this Contingent order is invalid. 20020
400 You must enter equity symbol for the condition. 20022
400 You must enter option symbol for the condition. 20023
400 Selected price qualifier is not supported for an index security type. 20024
400 There must be two or more orders in this group. 20025
400 One-Triggers-All orders must have a trigger order and at least one follow-up order. 20026
400 You must enter all orders in an One-Triggers-OCO group. 20027
400 This order is invalid because two or more parts of your One-Cancels-All order are on the same side of the market and have either a trailing stop, stop-limit or stop price type. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 20028
400 Dates must be in the format MM/DD/YYYY. 20029
400 Future dates cannot be accepted. 20030
400 You cannot place Bracketed orders on options. 20031
400 The term you specified for this order is invalid. 20032
400 The term you specified for this order is invalid. 20033
400 This order is invalid because two or more parts of your One-Cancels-All order are on the same side of the market and have either a trailing stop, stop-limit or stop price type. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 20035
400 You cannot place this order because you have not consented to the Conditional Order User Agreement. To review and accept the Agreement online, please refer to %ltetrade.com/advanced%gt. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 27026
400 This account has not accepted the Advanced Orders User Consent. Please direct the customer to User Consent ( https://us.erade.com/e/t/invest/aodisclosure ) to agree before placing an advanced Order. 20037
400 You did not specify a upper/lower trigger value. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 20039
400 You did not specify a upper/lower stop value. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 20040
400 The upper/lower trigger value you have specified is invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure you enter a positive number that does not include any letters or special characters. 20041
400 The upper/lower stop value you have specified is invalid. Please modify your entry, making sure you enter a positive number that does not include any letters or special characters. 20042
400 Valid Date required if "Do not send to market" selected. 20043
400 Branch Seq. no. required if "Do not send to market" selected. 20044
400 Branch Seq. no. and order date required if "Do not send to market" selected. 20045
400 Enter valid Limit Price. 20046
400 Select valid country from drop-down. 20047
400 Please enter the reason for this request. 20048
400 Security Symbol not found. 20051
400 Please enter a valid Qty Ordered. 20052
400 Please enter a valid Commission amount. The value must be a numeric value, with or without decimal places. 20053
400 Please enter a valid Fees amount. The value must be a numeric value, with or without decimal places. 20054
400 Branch/Sequence Number must be 6 characters. 20055
400 Please enter a valid Qty Filled. 20056
400 Please select either 'Buy' or 'Sell' in the 'Action' column. Please select either 'Open' or 'Close' in the 'Position' column. 20057
400 System Error. Invalid country code selection. Please contact technical support. 20058
400 System Error. Invalid currency selection. Please contact technical support. 20059
400 Symbol not found for selected country or SEDOL not found for selected country. 20060
400 SEDOL and Symbol selected refer to different securities. Please specify one or the other, not both. 20061
400 Currency selection is not valid for the selected country. 20062
400 The fill quantity cannot be greater than the unfilled quantity. 20066
400 Unable to send the order correction request. 20067
400 Unable to send the execute order request. 20068
400 Unable to send the cancel order request. 20069
400 Unable to send the reverse order request. 20070
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 for assistance. 163
500 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 12000
400 You must enter the stop price to set your trailing stop. 6507
200 Shares of no-load, no-transaction-fee funds held for 90 days or less are subject to an early redemption fee of $49.99. Based on the most recent share price, this order would result in the redemption of more than the args1 shares you have available to sell without incurring this fee. However, the actual number of shares you redeem will be based on the next calculated share price. Whether or not you will be subject to the fee will be determined at that time. 4180
200 You are about to sell fund shares that will result in an early redemption fee of $49.99. Shares of no-load, no-transaction-fee funds held for 90 days or less are subject to this fee. 4181
200 Certain funds held for 90 days or less are subject to an early redemption fee of $49.99. Based on the most recent share price, this order would result in the redemption of less than the {0} shares you have available to sell without incurring this fee. However, the actual number of shares you redeem will be based on the next calculated share price. Whether or not you will be subject to the fee will be determined at that time. 4182
200 Important: {0} has a cut-off time of {1} ET. Orders placed after the cut-off time will be priced after the close of the next business day. 4183
400 Your order could not be placed as entered, as your limit price does not meet the market's tick requirements. 8200
400 Your order could not be placed as entered, as the quantity of the order does not meet the lot requirements for the security. To resubmit your order, change the number of shares to a round lot size -- for most securities, this will be an increment of 100 -- and then click Preview Order. 8201
400 Please enter a valid country code for symbol. 8203
400 Limit orders placed when the Hong Kong market is closed must be no greater than 9 times and no smaller than 1/10th the previous closing price. 8206
400 Limit orders placed during the Hong Kong market session must be no greater than 9 times and no smaller than 1/10th the nominal price published by the exchange. 8207
400 Limit orders placed during the Hong Kong market session must be within 24 spreads of the most recent market quote. 8208
200 Limit orders placed while the Hong Kong market is closed may be rejected by the exchange if they deviate more than 24 spreads from the opening price determined in the pre-opening session. 8209
400 Your order cannot be processed due to Compliance Restrictions - Regulation S of the Securities Act of 1933. 8300
400 Your order could not be processed at this time due to Compliance Restrictions. 8301
400 Orders with fractional quantities exceeding three decimal places cannot be accepted. Please edit your quantity and try placing your order again. 8509
400 This trade cannot be completed online. Our records indicate you are an "affiliate" of the issuer of the security (e.g., officer, director, significant shareholder). Please contact 1-800-ETRADE1 (1-800-387-2331) to transact in this security. 8512
400 Your request to cancel the order has been received after the fund's cut-off time. The request cannot be processed. For questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 4185
200 Your request to cancel your order is being processed. Please go to View open orders to verify that your order has been successfully cancelled. If your cancel request is rejected, your order will remain open. For questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 4186
400 All-or-None is not a valid qualifier for this order. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 20200
400 This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order may be routed only to NOM or NYSE. Please select NOM or NYSE for the market center. 20201
400 This order cannot be accepted because only Day term is allowed for a Reserve Order. 20202
400 This order cannot be accepted because for Reserve Order, the price type must be Limit. 20203
400 Please enter a valid Show Quantity for Reserve Order. 20204
400 Minimum eligible Quantity for Reserve Order is 2. 20205
400 Please check Reserve order box to place a reserve order. 20206
200 Please obtain supervisor approval before submitting order. Submitting such an order without supervisor approval will lead to disciplinary action. 20207
400 Please obtain supervisor approval before submitting order. Submitting such an order without supervisor approval will lead to disciplinary action 21000
400 Invalid exercise Quantity. Please enter a valid quantity. 21007
400 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient contracts in your account. 21008
400 You have entered an invalid number of contracts for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 21009
400 The amount of the Do Not Request exceeds this accounts position. Please check the number of contracts entered and resubmit. You may also need to check open orders for this security. 3709
400 Cutoff for Exercise Request is 5:00 PM ET on the last trading day. We cannot accept this request. Contact your Supervisor for additional instructions. 3703
200 Cutoff for Exercise Request is 4:00 PM ET. We will process this request on the next trading day. 3704
400 You may enter Do Not Exercise Request only on the option's last trading day. 3705
400 The Cutoff for Do Not Exercise Request is 4:30 PM ET the last trading day. 3706
200 Cutoff for Do Not Exercise Request is 4:15 PM ET on the last trading day. We will process this request on a Best Effort Basis. Contact your Supervisor for additional instructions. 3707
400 Do Not Exercise request can be submitted on Equity Options only. 3708
200 Our records indicate this option has value. Please confirm with your supervisor. Make sure client understands the option still has value. The client may be better off to sell the option contract and buy/sell the stock in the open market. 3710
400 Please select a valid market session type. 20109
200 Important: The order you are entering has an estimated total ${0} . If you would like to modify your order, please click the Change Order link. Otherwise, please click the Place Order button to continue. 7060
400 Important: Orders in excess of $1,000,000,000 must be placed with Customer Service. For assistance with placing this order, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 7061
400 Special Notice: This is an actively managed advisory account and trading in this account may affect your portfolio's asset allocation. Please contact your financial advisor or Customer Service if you have additional questions. 20110
400 Special Notice: Trading in your Advised Investment Account may affect your portfolio's asset allocation. You may wish to contact your financial advisor prior to entering an order to determine its effect on your financial plan. 20111
400 We cannot accept this order because Portfolio Margin accounts are not eligible for the following Conditional Order Types:
  • One-Cancels-All
  • One-Triggers-All
  • One-Triggers-OCO
200 This order cannot be accepted as you are currently subject to a trading blackout for this company's shares. 1420
200 We are unable to process this order at this time. Please contact the call center at (866) 842-0657. 1421
200 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient funds in your account. 1299
204 Special Notice: Data Not Found. 53
400 Special Notice: Invalid Buy price range. 20112
400 Special Notice: Invalid Sell price range. 20113
400 Special Notice:Invalid Limit price. 20114
400 Special Notice:Invalid Stop price. 20115
400 The combination you entered is not one of the allowable combinations. 20116
400 Special Notice:Invalid underlier. 20117
400 Special Notice:Invalid save allocation. 20118
400 Special Notice:Invalid inputs. 1111
200 Warning: you are about to override a saved allocation. Please confirm the changes you have made by clicking the Confirm button. 36100
400 The Symbol and Security Type are not consistent. Please select the Security Type corresponding to the requested security Symbol. 36101
400 No symbol has been entered. Please enter a valid Symbol and select the Security Type for this Symbol, then click the submit button to proceed. 36102
200 The ratio of shares to contracts for this order is not one-to-one. 36103
400 No records found. 36104
200 The ratio of contracts for this order is not one-to-one. 36105
200 For your protection, we have timed out your original order request. If you would like to place this order, please resubmit it now. 36106
400 Not able to update now, please try again later. 36107
200 This order will be reallocated with the new allocation quantities you requested. 36108
400 Account does not have sufficient buying power to complete this trade. Please correct and resubmit the allocation for this account. 36109
400 Account does not have sufficient holdings in this instrument to complete this trade. Please correct and resubmit the allocation for this account. 36110
400 Account has no existing position in this mutual fund and this mutual fund is closed to new investors. 36111
400 The total reallocated amount must equal the quantity actually filled. Please adjust the allocations so that their sum is equal to the filled quantity. 36112
400 The spread order you entered is invalid. Please call Platinum RIA Service team at 1-800-503-9260 for help placing this order. 36113
400 This account is not approved for options trading. 36114
400 This order cannot be accepted because the Show Quantity for a Reserve Order must be in round lots. 7504
400 This order cannot be accepted because for Reserve Order, the price type must be Limit. 7501
400 Please enter a valid Show Quantity for Reserve Order. 7502
400 This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order must have a minimum Quantity of 200 shares. 7503
400 This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order's Show Quantity parameter must be 100 shares less than the actual Quantity of the order. 7505
400 This order cannot be accepted because only Day term is allowed for a Reserve Order. 7506
400 This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order must have an Extended Hours market session. 7507
400 This order cannot be accepted because a Reserve Order can be routed to ECNs only. Please select ARCA, INET, or BRUT for the market center. 7508
400 Opening Market or Stop on Quote option orders are not accepted during non-market hours or within the first three minutes of market open unless the option has already traded. This is intended to protect against illiquid markets and unexpected price swings at the open. Please reenter your order as a Limit or Stop Limit on Quote order, or try again once the option is trading. 3029
200 Important: You are about to place an order on a security with a pending corporate action (Forward or Reverse Split). This may affect the security's price or, in the case of a reverse split, may cause your order to be cancelled by the exchange. To proceed as planned, please click Place Order. Otherwise, you may change or cancel your order at this time. If you have questions, contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 9010
200 You are about to place a marketable limit order that is at least 20% greater than the current ask price for the security and could be executed if placed. 9011
200 You are about to place a marketable limit order that is at least 20% less than the current bid price for the security and could be executed if placed. 9012
200 Market orders placed outside of regular market hours are subject to greater risk because of price uncertainty at the open. Please note that if this order executes at a price 10% higher than the previous close, it will place your account in a margin call. To continue, please click on Place Order, otherwise you may click on Cancel or change your order. If you have questions, please call 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 9013
400 Your account has been restricted to placing closing orders only. Please call Customer Service at +1 678 624 6210. For clients resident in the Middle East (excluding Israel) please call +971 4 4269600. 9018
200 Please note that, due to regulatory requirements, this exchange-traded fund will be ineligible for margin for 30 days from the transaction date and may not be used as collateral for a Line of Credit during this time. 9020
400 IMPORTANT: This trade may trigger the short-term trading fee for commission-free ETFs held less than 30 days. 9021
200 IMPORTANT: You are about to place a marketable limit order that is significantly greater than the current ask price for the security and could be executed if placed. To proceed as planned, please click Place Order. Otherwise, you may change or cancel your order. 9050
200 IMPORTANT: You are about to place a marketable limit order that is significantly less than the current bid price for the security and could be executed if placed. To proceed as planned, please click Place Order. Otherwise, you may change or cancel your order. 9051
200 We are unable to accept your extended hours order as it appears it may have been entered in error (for example, key stroke error, significantly away from the market price, etc.). Please check the symbol, price, order type, etc. and reenter. If you continue to experience difficulties entering the order online, please place it via a live broker by calling 1-800-ETRADE1. 9052
200 We are unable to accept your extended hours order as it appears it may have been entered in error (for example, key stroke error, significantly away from the market price, etc.). Please check the symbol, price, order type, etc. and reenter. If you continue to experience difficulties entering the order online, please place it via a live broker by calling 1-800-ETRADE1. 9053
400 To complete your order, please select an Option Type. 20211
400 To complete your order, please select an Option Expiry Date. 20212
400 To complete your order, please select a Strike Price. 20213
400 Our system is not able to find account details to place order. Please try again later. 20214
200 If this trade results in a gain it may trigger short term tax consequences. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector. 7082
200 If this trade results in a loss it may trigger a Wash Sale. 7080
200 This trade may trigger a Wash Sale. 7084
200 E*TRADE will make a best efforts attempt to use the offsetting lot(s) you selected for this order. If the lot(s) you selected is no longer available, E*TRADE will select offsetting lots with the earliest acquisition date in accordance with the First In, First Out (FIFO) lot selection method. Once your order is executed, you may view which lot(s) was selected from the Portfolios Gains & Losses page. 7086
200 We have selected the offsetting lot(s) you specified and will select the remaining lot(s) based on your lot selection account preference. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector. 7087
400 We did not find enough available shares of this security for the lot(s) you selected. Please check the number of shares you entered and resubmit your order. You may also need to check your open orders since shares for this security may already be allocated to an existing open order. 9019
400 Invalid option spread quantity ratio for 3 legged option spread. 3060
400 Invalid strike price for 3 legged option spread. 3061
400 Invalid option type combination for 3 legged option spread. 3062
400 Invalid expiry date for 3 legged option spread. 3063
400 Invalid option spread quantity ratio for 4 legged option spread. 3064
400 Invalid strike price for 4 legged option spread. 3065
400 Invalid option type combination for 4 legged option spread. 3066
400 Invalid expiry date for 4 legged option spread. 3067
400 Your session has expired. Please reenter order information and try again. 20215
400 Disclosure has not been signed. 20216
400 Extended hours disclosure has been signed. 20217
400 This account has accepted the Advanced Orders User Consent. 20218
400 You may not place or modify this order at this time. 20219
400 You currently do not have any open orders in your account. 41001
500 Orders are temporarily unavailable. Please try again later. 41002
400 Please enter valid input for MarketSession. 51001
400 Invalid account specified for the user. 51002
400 Please enter valid input for securityType. 51003
400 Please enter valid input for status. 51004
400 Please enter valid input for transactionType. 51005
400 Only GTC and Day orders are allowed with All or None. 103
400 All Or None, Quantity should be greater than equal to 300. 200
400 Only Limit and Stop Limit orders are allowed with All or None. 300
400 Select either Reserve Order and All or None. 400
400 The Quantity for Reserve Order should be greater than or equal to 1000. 500
400 For Reserve Order the Order should be a Limit Order. 600
400 Invalid Reserve Quantity. 700
400 Invalid Client OrderId. It is either null or length is greater than 20 characters. 800
400 Invalid Preview Id. 900
400 Invalid Routing Destination specified. 520
400 Invalid AON/Order Term combination. 530
400 For sandbox testing - order number is inconsistent with security type. 39999
400 Order number is either missing or invalid. Please specify valid order number. 40000
400 Invalid strike price specified. 610000
400 Invalid expiration year specified. 620000
400 Too many requests sent at the same time. 630000
400 Invalid expiration date. Please check the input values for expirationYear, expirationMonth and expirationDay. 640000
400 Invalid All Or None specified. 650000
400 Invalid Reserve order specified. 660000
400 Order with the specified order number does not exist. 670000
400 There are no open orders and no orders were placed today. 680000
400 Order number is either missing or invalid. Please specify valid order number. 40000
400 This order cannot be changed using this application, it can only be cancelled. To change please log into the E*TRADE website. 41000
200 Note: Good Till Canceled ("GT 60") buy-write or spread orders are not accepted by all options exchanges. In the event this order is rejected by the market center it is sent to, you will receive a Smart Alert notification from us. If this occurs, you may consider placing a Day order. 51014
400 Invalid Leg details. First leg should be Equity and Second leg should be Option. 51015
400 Quantity cannot be changed for Buy Write/Spread Orders. 51016
400 Invalid Leg details for MF Exchange. First leg should be sell order and second leg should be Buy order. 51017
400 Duplicate Client ID. 99990
Status Code Reason Error Code
400 Bad clearance code received. 1
400 You did not specify an order type. Please fill in the missing information and resubmit your order. 2
400 The OrderAction you specified is invalid. 3
400 The price type you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 4
400 The term you specified for this order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 5
400 The dollar amount entered is invalid. Please fill in the correct details and resubmit your order. 20
400 You have entered an invalid number of contracts for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 22
400 You have entered an invalid number of shares for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 24
400 Please specify a price to complete your order. 25
400 Please specify an order type: Buy Open, Sell Open, Buy Close, or Sell Close. 26
400 Please specify an order type: Buy, Sell, Sell Short, or Buy to Cover. 27
400 Please enter a valid security type. 29
400 Extended Hours Disclosure not signed. 30
400 Advanced Order Disclosure not signed. 31
204 Data not found. 53
404 Resource not found. 404
400 Please specify a quantity type. 28
400 Please enter valid security type. 29
400 The dollar amount entered is invalid. Please fill in the correct details and resubmit your order. 20
400 To complete your order, please enter a stock symbol in the Symbol Entry box. 1001
400 Our system does not recognize this symbol. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1002
400 Our system does not recognize this symbol. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1003
400 You have entered the symbol of an index, not of a stock. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1004
400 Our system does not recognize this symbol. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1005
400 Our system does not recognize this symbol. Please make sure you have entered the symbol correctly. 1006
400 You have entered an invalid number of shares for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 1007
400 Short sales in even lots. 1008
400 Invalid number of contracts. Use your web browser's back button to correct. 1009
400 Account maxed at 500 shares/10% volume. 1010
400 Please reenter your figure without using a dollar sign ($), comma (,) or more than two decimal places. 1011
400 Please use numbers for price. 1012
400 Odd lots must be market price. 1013
400 Price not within 20% of market. Please check price. 1014
400 This stock cannot be sold short as its current price is below $3.00, or you have specified a stop or limit price below $3.00. 1015
400 No price available. 1016
400 The fraction you entered in the Price field is either invalid or not acceptable for trades in this particular stock. Please enter an alternate fraction or enter your price using decimals instead of fractions. 1017
400 The price you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid price. For a list of valid fractions, click the Convert to Decimals link on the order screen. 1018
400 This stop order cannot be processed. Either the stop price is invalid or stop orders cannot be placed on this stock or option. You can find an explanation of stop order restrictions in E*STATION HELP under the Buying and Selling Stocks and Trading and Exercising Options sections. 1019
400 Incorrect password. 1020
400 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient funds in your account. 1021
400 Too few contracts in account. 1022
400 You cannot change this order because it is either pending cancellation or has already been cancelled. 1023
400 Bad characters in fields. 1024
400 No Transaction selected. Please select Buy Open, Sell Open, Buy Close, or Sell Close. 1025
400 This is a duplicate order. 1028
400 Please specify which lots are to be sold. Tax lots must be specified or random lots will be selected. 1029
400 Terminator field invalid. 1030
400 Please verify lots to be sold. Lots must be equal to or greater than the number of shares in order. Tax lots does not match your request. 1031
400 All-or-None orders are allowed only on orders for 300 or more shares. 1032
400 For your protection, we have timed out your original order request. If you would like to place this order, please click cancel order and resubmit your order. 1033
400 Day orders for the next trading session cannot be accepted in the first two minutes after market close. Please change the term to GTC if you would like to place this order now. 1034
400 Market orders must be placed as day orders. If you wish to place a market order, please enter. "Good for Day" as the term. 1035
400 Your account has been restricted to placing closing orders only. 1036
400 Please check the number of shares you have entered for this order. We did not find enough shares of this security in your account for the closing order as placed. 1037
400 Please check the number of shares you have entered for this order. We did not find enough un-restricted shares of this security in your account for the order as placed. 1038
400 You have entered a number that exceeds the number of shares you hold in the security you want to trade. Please enter a number either equal to or less than the number of shares you hold. (Click Account Positions under the Account Services tab to find out how many shares of each security you currently hold in your portfolio.) 1039
400 Your sell short order cannot be processed. Either you do not have a margin account or short sales in this security are not allowed. You can find an explanation of short sales in E*STATION HELP under the Buying and Selling Stocks section. 1041
400 Your sell short order cannot be processed. Short sales in this security are not allowed since we were unable to borrow the shares. 1044
400 The security you have placed order for is on the E*TRADE restricted list. Please consult list before placing orders. 1046
400 Please specify an order type: Buy, Sell, Sell Short, or Buy to Cover. 1047
400 Bulletin Board securities carry additional risks. Only limit orders can be accepted. 1048
400 We are currently processing your previous request. Please try back in a few minutes. 1049
400 Price format changed. 1050
400 E*TRADE allows only limit buy orders on Bulletin Board securities. Please enter a valid limit price. Use your web browser's back button to correct this order. 1051
400 Not allowed for ABWT. 1052
400 Extended hours orders must be limit orders. 1053
400 Extended hours cannot be placed as All-or-None. 1054
400 Extended hours orders cannot be placed in odd lots. 1055
400 Cannot place order - market closed. 1056
400 Symbol is invalid for ETGC. 1057
400 Order must be cancelled and reentered. 1058
400 Invalid GTD. 1059
400 Duplicate ETGC order. 1060
400 Bad clearance code received. 1061
400 This account is approved for covered call writing only. 1062
400 Please specify the term for this order: GTC or Day. 1063
400 To complete your order, please enter the number of shares. 1066
400 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your lot preference of First In, First Out. To choose different lots, you will need to change your order to sell based on share quantity and then use the Lot Selector tool from the order preview page. 1090
400 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your lot preference of First In, First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector. Please note that you have until 4 pm ET on the date of settlement to change your election. 1092
400 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your lot preference of Last In, First Out. To choose different lots, you will need to change your order to sell based on share quantity and then use the Lot Selector tool from the order preview page. 1091
400 We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on your lot preference of Last In, First Out. To choose different lots, please use the Lot Selector. Please note that you have until 4 pm ET on the date of settlement to change your election. 1093
400 Your Account Preferences indicate that you would like to choose offsetting lots during order preview. This feature is only available when selling based on share quantity. If you intend to specify offsetting lots, you will need to change your order to sell based on share quantity. If you do not specify offsetting lots, lots will be selected on a First In, First Out basis. 1094
400 Your Account Preferences indicate that you would like to choose offsetting lots during order preview. To do so, please use the Lot Selector. If you do not specify offsetting lots, lots will be selected on a First In, First Out basis. Please note that you have until 4 pm ET on the date of settlement to change your election. 1095
400 Your Account Preferences indicate that you are using Average Cost methodology for determining your cost basis. We have selected offsetting lot(s) based on the lot selection method for Average Cost, which is First In, First Out. 1102
400 Average Cost methodology to determine your cost basis is an available option. To update your cost basis method, please click here. 1104
400 Average Cost methodology to determine your cost basis is an available option. To update your cost basis method, please click here. 1105
400 This order to purchase securities, if accepted, will be paid for by the proceeds of the sale of securities in your account which settle on or before the payment for the purchase is due. If you enter an order to sell these securities before they are fully paid for, your account may be subject to a ninety-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 1249
400 Because these securities were purchased with the proceeds of the sale of another security in your account, the order to sell these securities, if executed prior to the settlement date of the previous sale, may subject your account to a ninety-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 1250
400 Please specify an order type: Buy, Sell, Sell Short, or Buy to Cover. 1500
400 All-or-None orders cannot be placed at market. 1501
400 This security is not trading yet in normal session. Only limit orders can be accepted at this time. 1502
400 Only Listed, Nasdaq NMS, Small Cap, and OTC Bulletin Board are eligible for Extended Hours Trading. 1503
400 Please specify a price type: Market, Limit, Stop, or Stop Limit. 1504
400 Since you have selected a market order, please do not specify a limit or stop price. 1505
400 The stop limit price you have specified is invalid. Please modify your entry. Make sure the price you enter is a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 1506
400 Please specify a stop limit price to complete your order. 1507
400 A price for this security is temporarily unavailable. You may enter this order only as a limit, stop, or stop-limit order right now. 1508
400 The stop limit price must be at least 10 cents below the current bid (5 cents for stocks with a bid price under $5.00). Please correct the stop limit price and reenter your order. 1509
400 The stop limit price must be at least 10 cents above the current ask (5 cents for stocks with an ask price under $5.00). Please correct the stop limit price and reenter your order. 1510
400 Only limit orders are accepted for stocks trading below $1.00. 1511
400 Extended Hours orders must be day orders. 1512
400 Extended Hours orders must be place between 7 AM and 8 PM ET. 1513
400 Please check the symbol you have entered for this order. We did not find this security in your account for the closing order as placed. 1514
400 We cannot accept a Buy to Cover order as you are not short this security. Please adjust the order type or security, and reenter your order. 1515
400 Your buy order must execute before we can accept your sell order. 1516
400 We cannot accept a Buy to Cover order as your short order for this security has not executed yet. Please adjust the order type or security and reenter your order. 1517
400 We cannot accept this order at this time because there are insufficient funds in your account. 1518
400 The account you selected does not match the user name and password we have on record. Please log off, then log on and try to place your order again. For assistance, call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575. 1520
400 For the first seven business days after using our real time account opening feature you are restricted from margin trading, short sales, Extended Hours trading, and trading on bulletin board securities. 1521
400 This routing destination is not currently open, so your order cannot be accepted at this time. 1522
400 This account is restricted from trading, so your change order cannot be processed at this time. 1523
400 We cannot accept this change request right now because your previous change request is still being processed. Please give us a moment, then place your request again or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 1524
400 We cannot accept your cancel or change request because this option has been exercised. 1525
400 Orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance with placing this order. 1526
400 Opening orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance with placing this order. 1527
400 Closing orders for this security cannot be accepted online at this time. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance with placing this order. 1528
400 Your order cannot be accepted at this time. Please try placing it again in a few minutes, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 1998
400 Your order cannot be accepted at this time. Please try placing it again in a few minutes, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 1999
400 Account is invalid. 2001
400 Acct xref not found. 2002
400 Your change order cannot be accepted at this time. Please try placing it again in a few minutes, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2003
400 Open start date is invalid. 2004
400 Open end date is invalid. 2005
400 Other start date is invalid. 2006
400 Other end date is invalid. 2007
400 Security type is invalid. 2008
400 This symbol is not recognized. Please make sure that you have entered the symbol correctly. 2009
400 Order RFA is invalid. 2010
400 Trade history RFA is invalid. 2011
400 Request type is invalid. 2012
400 Account is restricted or disabled. 2013
400 Account compliance check failed. 2014
400 Invalid password. Please reenter your trading password. 2015
400 Trading is halted on this security. 2016
400 Trading in this security is restricted. 2017
400 Your market order cannot be processed at this time because a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. You may reenter the order as a limit, stop, or stop-limit order now, or try placing it again later as a market order. 2018
400 This does not appear to be a valid option symbol. Please make sure that you have entered the symbol correctly. 2019
400 Symbol error: Option symbol has expired. 2020
400 Order term or type is invalid. 2021
400 Order side or position effect is invalid. 2022
400 Please specify an order type: Buy Open, Sell Open, Buy Close, or Sell Close. 2023
400 RFA is invalid. 2024
400 Stop orders for this security are not currently being accepted. 2025
400 Invalid order term. 2026
400 This account is not approved for options trading. 2027
400 You have entered an invalid number of contracts for this order. Please modify your entry. Make sure you don't include any letters or special characters. 2028
400 This stop order cannot be processed because the stop price is invalid. For buy orders your order must be entered 25 cents above the ask price, and for sell orders 25 cents below the bid price. 2029
400 The number of shares per contract does not equal 100. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to assist with placing this order. 2030
400 The ratio of contracts you entered for this order cannot be placed through the website. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to place this order with a broker. 2031
400 Order key and RFA are missing. 2032
400 We cannot accept option orders for more than 5000 contracts online. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to assist with placing this order. 2033
400 Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to place this order with a broker. 2034
400 The underlying security for the option symbol does not match the stock symbol. 2035
400 Invalid number of shares. Shares must be placed as round lots (100, 200, 300, etc.). 2036
400 Multi-leg stop/stoplimit not allowed. 2037
400 Bulletin board does not allow stop orders. 2038
400 Limit too close to market price. 2039
400 Price invalid for this symbol (probably MPV). 2040
400 Too late to change order. 2041
400 Routing info invalid (origsys, routsys, destmkt). 2042
400 Leg count not invalid. 2045
400 Bad parameter. 2046
400 Position record not found. 2047
400 The number of shares per contract does not equal 100. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to place this order with a broker. 2048
400 Legs have the same symbol. 2049
400 Invalid debit/credit value. 2050
400 This account is approved for Level 1 option transactions only. 2051
400 The underlying security for both option symbols must be the same. 2052
400 Complex option orders with stock/option combinations cannot be entered with index symbols. Please reenter the order. 2053
400 Please reenter your order by placing the buy order as the first leg of the order. 2054
400 The trailing parameter you have specified is invalid. Please make sure the number you entered doesn't include any letters or special characters. 2055
400 Please select either points or percent for the trailing stop value you have specified. 2056
400 Please select an advanced order type. 2057
400 The limit price you have specified is invalid. Please modify your entry. Make sure you enter a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 2058
400 The stop price you have specified is invalid. Please modify your entry. Make sure you enter a positive number that doesn't include any letters or special characters. 2059
400 Trailing stops can be adjusted only against the bid and ask. 2060
400 The stop price must be at least 10 cents below the current bid (5 cents for stocks with a bid price under $5.00). Please correct the stop price and reenter your order. 2061
400 The stop price must be at least 10 cents above the current ask (5 cents for stocks with an ask price under $5.00). Please correct the stop price and reenter your order. 2062
400 Advanced orders cannot be placed as all-or-none orders. 2065
400 To be eligible for advanced orders, a stock must have an ask price greater than $1.00 (for buy orders) or a bid price greater than $1.00 (for sell orders). 2066
400 A regular stock order cannot be changed to an advanced order. 2067
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2068
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2069
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2070
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2071
400 Orders to sell short must be placed as day orders. Please modify the term you entered. 2072
400 Non-equity, bulletin board, OTC, and specific securities are not eligible for the type of order you specified. 2073
400 The limit price must be above the current bid price. Please enter a limit price greater than the current bid, and reenter your order. 2074
400 The limit price must be below the current ask price. Please enter a limit price lower than the current ask, and reenter your order. 2075
400 To complete your order, please specify a limit price. 2076
400 To complete your order, please specify a stop price. 2077
400 Advanced orders cannot be accepted at this time. Please try again later, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2080
400 The stop price must be at least 10 cents below the current bid (5 cents for stocks with a bid price under $5.00). Please correct the stop price and reenter your order. 2084
400 The stop price must be at least 10 cents above the current ask (5 cents for stocks with an ask price under $5.00). Please correct the stop price and reenter your order. 2085
400 This security is not eligible for new advanced orders at this time. 2086
400 The percentage must be greater than 0 and less than 100. 2087
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted because there was no price available for the security. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 2089
400 To complete your order, please specify a stop price. 2090
400 To complete your order, please specify the number of contracts. 3000
400 To complete your order, please specify the option symbol. 3001
400 This account is only approved for Level 1 options trading. 3002
400 Please note that this option contract does not equal 100 shares per contract. 3003
400 Please check the number of contracts you have entered for this order. We did not find enough contracts of this security in your account for the closing order as placed. 3004
400 You are not short the option. Please adjust the order type to an opening order or modify the symbol. 3005
400 Your order results in a position that is not approved for this type of account. 3006
400 Your order results in a position that is not approved for this type of account. 3007
400 This order results in a position that requires Level 3 options approval or higher. 3008
400 This option has expired. 3009
400 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient funds in your account. 3010
400 We cannot accept this order until your sell order for underlying stock is cancelled at your current option trading level. 3011
400 We cannot accept this order because your Margin Equity is below the Portfolio Margin minimum equity requirement of $100,000. 3012
400 Placing spread orders requires minimum equity of $2,000 in your account. 3013
400 A minimum of $25,000 in equity is required to hold an index spread or naked equity put position. Any such trade may not reduce your equity below that amount. 3014
400 This order results in a position that requires Level 3 options approval or higher. 3015
400 Trading on the underlying security has been halted. Your order can be accepted, but will not be processed until trading has resumed on the underlying security. 3016
400 Please specify a price type: Market, Net Debit, Net Credit or Even. 3017
400 Since you have selected a market order, please do not specify a net debit/credit or even price. 3018
400 Please reenter your figure without using any invalid characters including a dollar sign ($), comma (,) or more than two decimal places. 3019
400 Your market order cannot be processed at this time because a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. You may reenter the order as a net debit, net credit, or even order now. You may also try placing it again later as a market order. 3020
400 You may enter the order as it is a net debit, net credit, or even order now, but please note that a price for the security is temporarily unavailable. 3021
400 The ratio of contracts you entered for this order cannot be placed through the website. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 to place this order with a broker. 3022
400 The ratio of contracts for this order is not one-to-one. 3023
400 The ratio of shares to contracts for this order is not one-to-one. 3024
400 GTC orders on stop/stop limits are not permitted. 3025
400 To place Level 4 trades, you must have equity of at least $2,000 in your margin account. Any such order may not reduce your equity below that amount. 3026
400 We cannot process your request at this time due to a restriction on this account. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331) for more information and to restore full functionality. 3030
400 Special Attention Required! Trading in your Advised Investment Account may impact your portfolio's asset allocation. You may wish to contact your financial advisor prior to entering an order to determine its effect on your financial plan. 3089
400 Special Attention Required! This is an actively managed advisory account and trading in this account may impact your portfolio's asset allocation. Please contact your wealth advisor or E*TRADE Customer Service if you have additional questions. 3090
400 You cannot exercise out of money options. 3701
400 A failure not listed above. 3998
500 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again later. 3999
400 No open stock orders. 4000
400 No default account. 4001
400 This account is not approved for trading. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for details. 4101
400 Please enter a valid mutual fund symbol in the symbol entry box to complete your order. 4102
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4103
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4104
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4105
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4106
400 Do not enter more than three decimal places or use any invalid characters including dollar sign ($) or comma (,) in the shares amount field. Please try again. 4107
400 Your order is too large for web entry. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for details. 4108
400 Please reenter your figure without using any invalid characters including a dollar sign ($), comma (,) or more than two decimal places. 4109
400 A quote is not currently available for (type in symbol). Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for details. 4110
400 Your buy order cannot be accepted due to insufficient cleared funds in your account. 4113
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4114
200 This order will be priced as of close today. 4116
200 This order will be priced as of the close of next business day. 4117
400 This order has already been submitted. Please check your order status to make sure you are not duplicating orders. 4118
400 For your protection, we have timed out your original order request. If you would like to place this order, please click cancel order and resubmit your order. 4121
400 Your account is limited to sell orders only. 4123
400 There are insufficient shares in the account to fill this sell or exchange order. 4124
400 Your sell or exchange order cannot be accepted as there are insufficient cleared shares in your account. Please specify a lower share quantity, or All I Own. 4126
400 This position is not currently held in your portfolio. 4127
200 This account has one or more open orders to purchase/sell this fund. This order may be a duplicate. 4129
400 Trading on this security has been halted. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for details. 4130
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4131
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4132
400 You did not enter a symbol. Please try again. 4134
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4138
400 The mutual fund symbol you have entered is not recognized; the fund may not be available through E*TRADE or the symbol may be incorrect. Please use the View Fund drop down menu to identify a fund and symbol. 4139
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4141
400 Your buy order cannot be accepted due to insufficient cleared funds in your account. 4144
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4145
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4146
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4147
400 This order has already been cancelled. Please check order status. 4148
400 It is too late to cancel this order. 4149
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4150
400 Please enter a valid order type to complete your order. 4151
400 Please enter a valid symbol to complete your order. 4152
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4153
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4154
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4155
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4156
400 Please reenter your order. 4157
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4158
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4159
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4160
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4161
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4163
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4164
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4165
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4166
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4167
400 You may have rounded your shares. Please check to make sure the share quantity is correct. 4168
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4169
400 Please enter valid dividend instructions to complete your order. 4170
400 We cannot accept this order because there are insufficient funds in your account. 4171
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4172
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4173
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4174
400 There may have been an error in submitting your order. Please check your open orders (https://us.etrade.com/e/t/invest/vieworders?view_type=Advanced&order_status=O&fp=xy&trading=yes) to confirm your order has been placed as expected. If not, please try placing it again or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 4175
400 You are about to sell fund shares that will result in an early redemption fee of $49.99. Shares of no-load, no-transaction-fee funds held for 90 days or less are subject to this fee. 4181
400 Certain funds held for 90 days or less are subject to an early redemption fee of $49.99. Based on the most recent share price, this order would result in the redemption of less than the {0} shares you have available to sell without incurring this fee. However, the actual number of shares you redeem will be based on the next calculated share price. Whether or not you will be subject to the fee will be determined at that time. 4182
200 Important: {0} has a cut-off time of {1} ET. Orders placed after the cut-off time will be priced after the close of the next business day. 4183
400 Your request to cancel the order has been received after the fund's cut-off time. The request cannot be processed. For questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 4185
400 This fund has a fund imposed redemption fee {0} for positions held less than {1}. Please refer to the fund's prospectus for more details. 4191
200 Your transaction fee is waived for this order. 4192
400 A failure not listed above. 4998
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 4999
400 This order has been sent to the market center, where it is pending. It cannot be cancelled. 5000
400 Late in execute/reject status. 5001
400 It isn't necessary to cancel this order since after the close of market each day, unexecuted day orders automatically expire. 5002
400 We cannot accept your current request to cancel this order because there is a cancellation request pending. 5003
400 This account is not approved for trading. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for more information. 5004
400 This order is not open (or partially open) and therefore cannot be cancelled. 5005
400 Account invalid. 5006
400 Bad type. 5007
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 5008
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 5009
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 5010
400 Your order was cancelled due to a stock split or company reorganization. If you still wish to place this order, you may reenter it during the next market session. 5012
200 You have elected to sell from both your cash and margin position. Two sell orders will be created. Please verify the orders below before selecting Place Order. 5025
200 You have elected to exchange from both your cash and margin position. Two exchange orders will be created. Please verify the orders below before selecting Place Order. 5026
400 There are no mutual funds that matched your request. 5027
400 Funds can only be exchanged within the same fund family. 5028
400 If you do not see the mutual fund you wish to exchange into, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 5029
400 The ClientOrderId is missing/invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 51013
400 Select one of the Amount to Sell options. 5501
400 Enter the quantity, based on the Amount to Sell option selected. 5502
400 Please select the Fund to Buy. 5503
400 Please select the Fund to Sell. 5504
400 Please select the Reinvestment Option. 5505
400 Invalid order quantity. Please enter a quantity greater than or equal to 1. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-ETRADE-1. 5555
400 Invalid order amount. Please enter an amount greater than or equal to 1. If you have any questions, please call 1-800-ETRADE-1. 5556
400 A failure not listed above. 5998
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 5999
400 Your account is currently disabled. For assistance, call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575. 6000
400 No default account. 6001
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 6002
400 Negative equity percent. 6003
400 No cash or securities held in account. 6004
400 Account has no equity. 6005
400 Information not available. 6006
400 A failure not listed above. 6998
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 6999
400 Invalid order date. 7003
400 Realtime BETA notification failed. 7004
400 Disbursement type invalid. 7005
400 Customer account not valid. 7006
400 Inventory account not valid. 7007
400 Security symbol is unknown. 7008
400 Service not yet implemented. 7009
400 Buy/sell code invalid. 7010
400 Customer account not found. 7011
400 Customer account not found. 7012
400 Customer account not on this cluster. 7013
400 Inventory account not on this cluster. 7014
400 Inventory account position update failed. 7015
400 Inventory account order not found. 7016
400 Inventory account order detail mismatch. 7017
400 Customer account order placement failed. 7018
400 Customer account trade history update failed. 7019
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 7020
400 Transaction not allowed for professional traders. 7021
400 VMS User ID does not exist. 7022
400 VMS User account has been deactivated. 7023
400 A trailing stop sell order is not allowed on an option with a bid price of $0.10 or less. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 7024
400 The value you have specified for this Contingent order is invalid. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 7025
400 Invalid or Missing Tier Level. 7026
400 This order is invalid because two or more parts of your One-Cancels-All order are on the same side of the market and have either a trailing stop, stop-limit or stop price type. Please contact Customer Service at 1-800-387-2331 for assistance. 7027
400 Active Trader not on file - UPDATE not allowed. 7028
400 'Changed By' Initials required. 7029
400 Unexpected error. 7030
400 Requested Tier Level is below minimum tier level. 7031
400 Reason required for this transaction. 7032
400 VMS User ID must be specified. 7033
400 Type Code must be specified. 7034
400 Subscription request rejected; customer is already an active trader. 7035
400 Invalid Allow Flag specified. 7036
400 Invalid DET 6040 Flag specified. 7037
400 Invalid Type Code specified. 7038
400 Invalid Minimum Tier Level specified. 7039
400 Invalid Professional Flag specified. 7040
400 Invalid Professional Signed Agreement Flag specified. 7041
400 The security for which you have placed an order is on your employer's restricted list. Please consult your employer's list before placing an order. 7051
400 Waive Fee Reason required. 8001
400 Please don't enter the Date if you do not select Do not send to market. 8002
400 Please enter a valid Date if you select Do not send to market. 8003
400 Only Limit orders can be routed to BRUT. 8004
400 Only Limit and Market orders can be routed to NYSE. 8005
400 GTC will not be available for this selected market center. 8006
400 Shares of no-load, no-transaction-fee funds held for 90 days or less are subject to an early redemption fee of $49.99. Based on the most recent share price, this order would result in the redemption of more than the {0} shares you have available to sell without incurring this fee. However, the actual number of shares you redeem will be based on the next calculated share price. Whether or not you will be subject to the fee will be determined at that time. 8007
200 You are about to place an order on a security with a pending corporate action (Forward or Reverse Split). This may affect the security's price, or in the case of a reverse split, may cause your order to be cancelled by the exchange. If you have questions, contact us at 1-800-ETRADE-1 (1-800-387-2331). 9010
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please try placing it again, or call Customer Service at 1-800-786-2575 for assistance. 9990
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 9999
400 This order has questionable content and cannot be processed. Please try again. 10001
400 You have entered an incorrect trading password. Please try again. 10002
400 Your order has questionable content and cannot be processed. Please call the E*TRADE Team at 1-800-50-50-01 and report VALIDATE error 10003. 10003
400 We cannot verify you are allowed to trade on this account at this time. Please try again. If this message is received in error, please call the E*TRADE Team at 1-800-50-50-01. 10004
400 You are not allowed to trade on this account. 10005
400 This order is not currently open or deferred and cannot be modified. 10006
400 This order is not currently open or deferred and cannot be modified. 10007
400 You cannot modify this order because a cancel operation is currently underway on it. 10008
400 You cannot modify this order because we cannot verify that a cancel operation is not currently underway on it. Please try again. If repeated attempts return this message, please call the E*TRADE Team at 1-800-50-50-01 and report VALIDATE error 10009. 10009
400 You cannot modify this order because a modify operation is already underway on it. 10010
400 You cannot modify this order because we cannot verify that a modify operation is not currently underway on it. Please try again. If repeated attempts return this message, please call the E*TRADE Team at 1-800-50-50-01 and report VALIDATE error 10011. 10011
400 You have entered an invalid share quantity. Please try again. 10012
400 You have entered an invalid limit price. Please try again. 10013
400 You have entered an order with a high total cost. Please verify the amount. If you would like to place this order, please call the E*TRADE Team at 1-800-50-50-01. 10014
400 Your buy order cannot be accepted due to insufficient cleared funds in your account. 10015
400 There are insufficient shares in the account to fill this sell order. 10016
400 Unable to create order. Possibly because you attempted to place an order out of sequence. 10017
400 E*TRADE does not offer this fund online. To view available mutual funds, go to www.etrade.com/mutualfunds or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 20001
400 E*TRADE does not offer this fund online. To view available mutual funds, go to www.etrade.com/mutualfunds or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 20002
400 The fund you've selected is closed to new investors. 20003
400 E*TRADE does not offer this fund online. To view available mutual funds, go to www.etrade.com/mutualfunds or call Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 20004
400 This fund cannot be sold to a resident of the state where your account is registered. 20005
400 Before we can complete your order, we must first confirm that this fund is registered in the state where you live. However, we do not have your current residential mailing address on file. 20505
400 The amount you indicated doesn't satisfy the fund's required minimum. 20007
400 You must choose a fund in the same fund family to exchange. 20008
400 The fund you've selected does not permit exchanges. 20009
400 You've entered an incorrect amount for you order. Please try again, and do not use a "$". 20010
400 You must enter a valid mutual fund symbol. 20011
400 The fund you selected does not allow a 'Sell All' transaction; please enter dollars or shares. 20012
400 The fund you selected does not allow orders in 'dollars, but no fractional shares'. Please select either dollars or shares. 20013
400 The fund you selected does not allow orders in shares. Please select dollars. 20014
400 Account type not able to purchase retail money market funds. 20016
400 Account type not able to purchase institutional money market funds. 20017
400 Call Customer Service to check money market fund eligibility. 20018
400 This order to purchase securities, if accepted, will be paid for by the proceeds of the sale of securities in your account which settle on or before the payment for the purchase is due. If you enter an order to sell these securities before they are fully paid for, your account may be subject to a ninety-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 32098
200 Because these securities were purchased with the proceeds of the sale of another security in your account, the order to sell these securities, if executed prior to the settlement date of the previous sale, may subject your account to a ninety-day restriction under federal securities regulations. 32099
400 This fund has a fund imposed redemption fee. Please refer to the fund's prospectus for more details. 41991
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100000
400 You must complete or cancel your order before switching accounts. 100001
400 You do not own any mutual funds to sell or exchange, but it's easy to invest. Just transfer assets to your existing account. 100002
400 Please return to the MutualFund Center. 100003
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100004
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100005
400 The fund you selected is not available through E*TRADE or the symbol you entered is not valid. Please try again. 100007
400 You did not enter a symbol. Please try again. 100008
400 The fund you selected is not available through E*TRADE or the symbol you entered is not valid. Please try again. 100009
400 The symbol you entered has too many characters. Please try again. 100010
400 Unable to validate symbol. 100011
400 We apologize for the inconvenience, but the service you requested is currently unavailable. Please try again later. 100012
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100013
400 Service to retrieve selling mutualfund name not available at this time. 100014
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100015
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100016
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100017
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100018
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100019
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100020
400 Unable to create order. Possibly because you attempted to place an order out of sequence. 100021
400 You did not enter a trading password. Please try again. 100022
400 You did not enter a valid trading password. Please try again. 100023
400 The service you requested is not available at this time. Please try again. 100024
400 This order is being processed and can no longer be cancelled. 100025
400 Text for "dollars" must be deleted if not selected. 100026
400 Text for "shares" must be deleted if not selected. 100027
400 Text for "dollars, but no fractional shares" must be deleted if not selected. 100028
400 In order to purchase this fund, you must consent to receive all documents electronically. 100029
400 In order to purchase this fund, please view the Fund's prospectus. 100030
400 You did not enter a dollar amount. Please try again. 100031
400 Do not enter more than 2 decimal places or use any invalid characters including $ or , in the dollar amount. Please try again. 100032
400 Do not enter more than 3 decimal places or use any invalid characters including $ or , in the dollar amount. Please try again. 100033
400 You entered a very high dollar amount. Please check your order. If you really want to place this order, please call 1-800-STOCKS1. 100034
400 You did not enter a dollar amount. Please try again. 100035
400 Do not enter more than 2 decimal places or use any invalid characters including $ or , in the dollar amount. Please try again. 100037
400 You entered a very high dollar amount. Please check your order. If you really want to place this order, please call 1-800-50-50-01. 100038
400 You did not specify the quantity of shares. Please try again. 100039
400 Do not enter more than 3 decimal places or use any invalid characters including $ or , in the shares amount. Please try again. 100040
400 Do not enter any decimal places or use any invalid characters including $ or , in the shares amount. Please try again. 100041
400 You entered a very high dollar amount. Please recheck your order. Call 1-800-50-50-01 if you want to place this order. 100042
400 Invalid date entered. Please try again. 100043
400 Future dates are not allowed. Please try again. 100044
400 The requested mutual fund order is no longer pending. 100045
400 Your order could not be processed as submitted. Please use the back button to select the correct fund. 100046
400 This fund participates in the no-load, no-transaction fee program. You pay no sales charges or transaction fees for this order. 100047
400 There are no mutual funds in the same fund family to exchange into for the selected mutual fund. For any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-ETRADE-1. 100048
400 Front Load Consent not shown. 100049
400 Exchange Only Consent not shown. 100050
400 There are no mutual funds that matched your request. 11
400 Invalid Leg details for MF Exchange. First leg should be sell order and second leg should be Buy order. 51017
400 Duplicate Client ID. 99990